Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-segen
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
-sægen, -segn, e;
- ge-segen
- f. A saying, telling, conversation, relation, tradition; dictum, narratio, relatio, traditio :-- Mid gesegenum unrím geleáffulra witena by the sayings of innumerable faithful witnesses, Bd. pref; S. 472, note 25: Nar. 2, 6. Þurh gesegene ðæs árwurþan biscopes Cynebyrhtes through the conversation of the reverend bishop Cynebyrht, Bd. pref; S. 472, 21. Mid Isses gesægene [gesegnum, MS. B.] ðæs árwurþan Abbudes by the conversation of the reverend abbot Isi, 472, 20. Þurh swíðe getreówra manna gesægene through the telling of very true men, 472, 30: Bd. 5, 12; S. 631, 5, 11: 5, 23; S. 647, 17.