
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-setnes

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Take here ge-setednes in Dict., and add: [ge-setednes, ge-set[t]nes and ge-setenes might be taken separately, the former being connected with the past part., the latter with the infin. of ge-settan; cf. ge-sealdnes, ge-selenes, ge-sellan.] I. position in reference to two or more objects :-- Ic hæbbe án weorc mé tó gewissunge sefter steorrena gesetnyssum swá swá hí standað on heofonum. Hml. S. 5, 262. Hí cwǽdon þæt ǽlc man beó ácenned be steorrena gesetnessum, and þurh heora ymbryna him wyrd gelimpe, Hml. Th. i. 110, 7. II. combination, composition, (i) putting together of material, construction :-- Ǽr middaneardes gesetnysse (constitutione), Hml. A. 70, 126. (l a) a medical preparation (?) ; compositio :-- Genim þás ylcan wyrte gecnucude, lege tó þám sáre . . . eác úre ealdras cwǽdon ꝥ ðeós gesetednys heálícost fremede, Lch. i. 176, 10. (a) putting together of words, (a) a compound :-- Þá synd on Grécisc kakosynthelon, vitiosa compositio, gecwedene, and synt lyðre gesetnyssa, swylce ic þus cweðe bonumaurum, þonne ic hyt sceolde þus tódǽlan bonum aurum, Angl. viii. 313, 26. (b) composition :-- Barbarismum hig on heora gesetnyssa forbúgað, Angl. viii. 313, 18. (c) a composition, writing, work, narrative, treatise :-- Hér is seó gesetenis Alexandres epistoles, Nar. I. I. Gesetnys, racu textus (libelli Eugeniae), An. Ox. 4242. Gesettnesse textu, 3448. Ne secge wé nán þincg níwes on þissere gesetnysse (cf. on þyssere béc þǽra hálgena þrowunga, 36), Hml. S. p. 4, 46. On þǽre gesetnysse be worulde frymðe, Angl. viii. 307, 5. Be þǽre gesetnysse of ðám gedwylde, Hml. A. 24, 5. Wé geendiað þus ðás gesetnysse (homily), Hml. S. 15, 226: Hml. A. 44, 511. Þá wísan láreówas áwriton be þǽre clǽnnysse mycele béc on manegum gesetnyssum, 22, 197: 198. ¶ of the scriptures, (l) the Old Testament :-- Seó bóc (Ezra) ys geendebyrd on þissere gesetnysse, Ælfc. T. Grn. lo, 41 : Ii, 3. (2) the New Testament :-- Hé (Matthew) ys se forma godspellere on þaére gesetnyse, Ælfc. T. Grn. 12, 32 : 14, 15. (3) of the several books of the bible :-- Isaias on his gesetnysse, Hml. A. 21, 188: Ælfc. T. Grn. 9, 8. Daniel on his gesetnisse, 45. Heó on ðǽra wítegena gesetnysse rǽdde, Hml. Th. i. 42, 20. Of Mathees gesetnysse ge of Lucas, ii. 468, 13. Hé (St. John) áwrát on wundorlicre gesetnesse, Hml. S. 15, 163, Ongann hé þá godspellican gesetnysse, ðus cweðende, Hml. Th. i. 358, 14: 300, 21. Heora (the Sibyls') béc ne synd ná on úre gesetnissum on þǽre biblioþecan, Ælfc. T. Grn. 10, 35. Feówer godspelleras áwriton his ðrowunga on feower gesetnyssum, Hml. Th. i. 216, 19. III. size, extent :-- Gesetnes statura, An. Ox. 5311. Hé (Ezechiel) áwrát áne bóc, micele on gesetnisse, swíðe deóp on andgite, Ælfc. T. Grn. 9, 39. Twelf wítegan (the minor prophets) . . . twelf béc áwriton be sumum dǽle lǽssan on gesetnysse, micele on andgitte, 10, 9. IV. arrangement, scheme, figure of speech :-- Gesetnisse dispositions, Lk. p. 2, 8. Æfter þissum hig gehleápað on metaplasmum, ꝥ ys ꝥ hig gewurðiað heora spǽce, and heora meterversa gesetnyssa and cyrtenlice dianoeas byð ꝥ andgit">lexeos and dianoeas áscrutniað">scemata (vel figure) lexeos and dianoeas áscrutniað, lexeos beóð ðǽra worda gesetnyssa and dianoeas byð ꝥ andgit, Angl. viii. 313, 28-31. V. an established practice, course, institution, institute :-- In reogolum cyriclicre gesetnesse se behýdegæsta in ecclesiasticae institutionis regulis sollertissimus, Bd. 5, 20; Sch. 675, 17. Cépan his mǽles and mid gesceáde his gesetnysse healdan, Hml. S. 16, 319. Þára þeóda þeáwas sint swíþe ungelíca and heora gesetnessa swíþe mislica diversarum gentium mores inter se atque instituta discordant, Bt. 18, 2; F. 64, 22. Gesettnessa, An. Ox. 247. Monig nytlico ðing cyriclicra gesetnessa multa ecclesiae institutis utilia, Bd. 5, 20; Sch. 676, 1. Man árǽrde cyrcan . . . and mynsterlice gesetnyssa, Hml. S. 26, 86. VI. an ordinance, a law, decree, statute :-- Decretum, i. institutum, positum, consilium, placitum geþóht statutum laga, diffinitum gesetnes judicium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 137, 80. (l) an ordinance of the civil or the ecclesiastical authority, a law human or divine :-- Folcrǽdenne sive ealles folces gesetnes lex, Wrt. Voc. ii. 53, 80. Medríc(r)a gesetnyssa plebisscita, ríccra gesetnes senatus consultum, kyninga gesetnysse constitutio, i. 20, 65-67. Seó ealde gesetness the Mosaic law, Jud. 15 ; Thw. p. 159, 29. Godcundre gesettnesse divinae sanctionis (praecepta), An. Ox. 424 : 1629. For þǽre gesetnysse þe nán mann ne móste tó þám háde becuman búton of Aarones cynne, Hml. A. 16, 77. Æfter Godes gesetnysse, 19, 139 : 20, 151. Ðá beóð scyldige ðe ðá gesetnysse (the injunction as to fasting) tóbrecaþ þǽre hálgan gelaðunge, Hml. Th. ii. 330, 35. Hwæne þú forsáwe and hwæs (God's) gesetnysse (of the Mosaic law), Ælfc. T. Grn. 20, 15. Þ UNCERTAIN ealle gebugon tó his hǽðenscipe and tó his gesetnyssum, Hml. S. 25, 17 : Ii, 24. Tó Godes gesetnyssum, Hml. A. 6, 131. Gesetnessum sanctionibus (decalogi), An. Ox. 842. Áwritenum gesettnessum scriptis decretalibus, i. statutis, 1966. Gesettnessa statuta (apostolica), 5143. Gesetednessa, Hpt. Gl. 523, 27. Ealle þá gesetnessa þe tó hearde wǽron hé gedyde líþran. Ors. 5, 12 ; S. 244, 14. Rihtra dóma gesetenesse (-setnesse, ) decreta iudiciorum, Bd. 2, 5 ; Sch. 132, l. Swylce hé ne cunne Crístes gesetnyssa. Móyses ús lǽrde on his gesetnissum, Ælfc. T. Grn. 20, 9 : Hml. A. 8, 198. (2) a settlement, an order with respect to property, in pl. a will :-- Heáhgeréfan gesetnysse legatum testamentum, Wrt. Voc. i. 20, 38. Ic ðás gesettnesse sette gehweder ge for hígna lufon ge ðeára sáula ðe haer beforan hiora namon áuuritene siondon . . . þis is gesetnes Ósulfes and Bearnðrýðe, Txts. 444, 42-45. (3) an ordinance handed down to successive generations, a tradition :-- Hwylc gesetenes (-setnes, v.l.) tó fylgeanne sý quae sequenda traditio, Bd. 2, 2; Sch. 114, 10. Æfter gesetnisse ældra juxta traditionem seniorum, Mk. L. R. 7, 5. Gesettnisse (lage, W.S.), Mt. R. 15, 2. Hí heora seolfra þeáwas andgesetnesse (-setenesse, v.l.) betran dydon suas traditiones praeferrent, Bd. 2, 2; Sch. 113, 21 : 116, 13. (4) a natural law, order of providence :-- Þá wildan deór be úres Drihtnes gesetnysse syndon mannum underþeódde. Hml. A. 64, 290. Hé hæfð heora mearce gesette . . . Mid þám ilcan gerece is gereaht swíde anlíc gewrixle þæs flódes and þæs ebban. Þá gesetennesse (gesetennes þa, MS.) hé lǽt standan þá hwíle þe hé wile, Bt. 21; S. 49, 26. (5) an order, a regulation :-- Þá byrlas scencton be þæs cyninges gesetnysse (sicut rex statuerat), Hml. A. 93, 26. (6) instruction, what instructs :-- Gesetnysse instrumenti, quod instruit, An. Ox. 1765 : 1675. Gesettnysse, 437. Hé férde tó gesetednysse and láre þæs gástlican lífes ad institutionem spiritalis vitae pergeret, Gr. D. 150, 22. (7) a purpose :-- Gisetnise proposito, Rtl. 103, 30. Gisetnisse propositum, 104, 4. v. folc-, riht-gesetness. ge-setnes

Parole correlate: l.
