Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-síne
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-síne
- Take here ge-sýne in Dict., and add: I. of material objects, visible, to be seen :-- Þ UNCERTAIN mon þǽre cyrcean flór emlíce gewyrce, ꝥ þǽr nán byrgen gesýne ne sý, Ll. Th. ii. 408, 13. Geséne wére hine cuæð uidendum se dicit, Jn. p. 7, 14. Ceastra beóð feorran gesýne, Gn. C. I. II. of non-material objects, when visible results are produced, to be seen, evident, (l) with noun :-- Wæs wælræs wera wíde gesýne, B. 2947. Syndon þíne mihta ofer middangeard gesýne, Hy. 9, 50. Unrím wundra gesýnra, Men. 129. (2) with clause :-- Þá wæs gesýne þæt se síð ne þáh, B. 3058. III. to be perceived by the mind, evident, manifest :-- For þan is gesýne, cúð, oncnáwen, þæt þú cyninges eart þegen . . . for þan þé sóna sǽholm oncneów, An. 526: 549: El. 144. Nú is geséne þæt þú eart sylfa God, Sae. 441 : 230. Hit is on ús eallum swutol and geséne (-syne, þæt wé ǽr þysan oftor brǽcan þonne wé béttan, Wlfst. 159, 5. Mið ðý uæs áuorden cuðlíce geséne ꝥte . . . quo facto cognoscitur quod . . . , Jn. p. 3, 11. ¶ in the Lindisfarne and Rushworth glosses the word is used to translate videri, (l) as passive of videre :-- Þ UNCERTAINte geséne wǽre from hiá quia uisus esset ab ea, Mk. L. R. 16, 11. Geséne hine uiso eo, Mt. L. 8, 34: Lk. L. 10, 31. Geséne ðone Hǽlend, Lk. L. R. 23, 8. Giséne, Jn. L. 20, 20. Þ UNCERTAIN gié sé geséno (-seánæ, R.) from him ut uideamini ab eis, Mt. L. 6, Geséne (-sǽnæ, R.), 5 : 23, 5. Woeron geséne uisi, Lk. L. R. 9, 31. (2) with the meaning to seem, appear (translating also parere, apparere). (a) to seem to the eye :-- Þ UNCERTAIN ðú ne sé geséne monnum fæstende ne uidearis hominibus jejunans, Mt. L. R. 6, 18. Þ UNCERTAIN hiá sé geséne (-seánæ, R.) ut apareant, 16. Ðá ðe biðon geséne (parent) monnum wlittig, Mt. L. 23, 27. (b) to seem to the mind :-- Huæt iúh is geséne quid uobis uidetur ?, Mt. L. 18, 12: 21, 28. Ge geséne bíð monnum sóðfæste paretis hominibus justi, 23, 28. Geséne woeron suá fromdóen wordo ðás uisa sunt sicut deleramentum uerba ista, Lk. L. R. 24, 11 : Rtl. 86, 14. v. forþ-, íþ-, un-gesíne. gesine,ge-sine