
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-stælan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

l. -stǽlan, dele first passage, in last for leágung l. leásung, and add: to bring home to a person a charge, liability, &c., to prove something to have been committed by, or to be due from, a person :-- Gif mon on folces gemóte cyninges geréfan geyppe eofot (þeófðe, ), and his eft geswícan wille, gestǽle on ryhtran hand (let him make the charge good upon one who more justly may be charged; pertrahat hoc ad rectiorem manum, Old Lat. vers.), Ll. Th. i. 76, 6. Heó þá fǽhðe wræc þe þú Grendel cwealdest . . . heó wolde hyre mǽg wrecan ge feor hafað fǽhðe gestǽled (to the full has she made good her charge of slaying), B. 1340. v. ge-stál. ge-stælan

Parole correlate: l.
