Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-swinc
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-swinc
- Take here ge-swincg in Dict., and add: I. with respect to action , labour of body or mind, toil, hard work: -- Ðǽr wæs suíðe suíðlic gesuinc, and ðǽr wæs micel swát ágoten multo labore sudatum est, Past. 269, 12. Hú hefig ðæt twiefalde gesuinc (duplicitatis labor) bið . . . óðer is ðára gesuinca (geswinga, ) ðæt hí simle séceað endeleáse ládunga . . . Hé gewérgað his heortan mid ðý geswince . . . 'Ðæt gesuinc (labor) hira ágenra welena hié geðrycð', Past. 239, 4-15. Ys ꝥ fordyslic geswinc ꝥ gé winnaþ tó ðon ꝥ gé wilniaþ eówerne hlísan tó gebrǽdanne, Bt. 18, 1; F. 62, 17. Ne forlǽte hé þá ǽscan . . . and wé þonne him his geswinces geþancedon, Ll. Th. i. 234, 27. On ídelan geswince, Bt. 19; F. 68, 27. Oferfohten bútan ǽlcum geswince, Past. 279, 2. Ic nát hú nyt ic beó, bútan þæt ic mín geswinc ámirre, Ors. 4, 13; S. 212, 26. ꝥ is sió án ræst eallra firra geswinca haec requies laborum, Bt. 34, 8; F. 144, 27. Mid ðám gesuincium (-swincum, v. l.) gódra weorca studiorum sublimium vigore, Past. 283, 16. Qn dyslicum gesuincum stulto labore, 131, 14. Geswinceum, Gr. D. 6, 30. Geswincum, Hml. Th. ii. 82, 23. Ia. of agricultural labour :-- Hé ðá eorðan áseów . . . Hé his geswinces breác, Hml. Th. ii. 144, 23. Hæig-werde gebyreð ꝥ man his geswinces leán gecnáwe, Ll. Th. i. 440, 12. Bydele gebyreð sum landstycce for his geswince, 8. II. with respect to suffering, travail, trouble, hardship, tribulation :-- Ðyncð him gesuinc ðæt hé bið bútan. woroldgesuincium laborem deputant, si in terrenis negotiis non laborant, Past. 129, 1. Ne beheóld hit nán. þing seó scipfyrding búton folces geswinc, feós spilling, and heora feónda forðbylding, Chr. 999; P. 133, 10. Hé geendode his dagas æfter mycclum geswince and earfoðnissum his lífes, 1016 ; P. 148, 17 : Bl. H. 59, 25. Eþelíce búton ǽlcum geswince, Bt. 35, 4 ; F. 162, 2. pæt hí leornigen ðone cræft geþylde on þám langan geswince, 39, 11; F. 228, 26. Men heafdon mycel geswinc þæs geáres. Chr. 1085; P. 216, 4. Gif hié geðenceað ðára gesǽlða ðe him ungeendode æfter ðám geswincum becuman sculon, ðonne ðyncað him ðý leóhtran ðá geswinc ðe ofergán sculon (leve fit quod transeundo laboratur), Past. 407, 31. Se wind strongra geswinca oððe se rén ungemetlices ymbhogan, Bt. 12; F. 36, 18. On ðǽm gesuincium (-swincum, v. l. ) in tribulatione, Past. 267, 22. On ðǽm gesuincum in adversis, 35, 7. Efnðrowiende on hira gesuincum sympathetic in their troubles, 97, 21. II a. of physical weariness :-- Hæbbe hé þás wyrte mid him, ðonne ne ongyt hé ná micel tó geswynce (-swince, v. l.) þæs sí ðes, Lch. i. 106, 7. v. weorold-geswinc. ge-swinc