
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-þeaht

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: m. (e. g. geþeahtas, Gr. D. 137, 20), f. (e. g. mid bróþorlicre geþeahte. Bd. 3, 22; Sch. 292, 8), n. (e. g. ðæt ryhte geðeaht. Past. 287, 14). I. consultation, deliberation by many :-- Beóð tóstencte geþancu þár þár nys geþeaht (consilium); þár þár manega synd geþeahteras beóð getrymmede, Scint. 199, 12. Ic gehýrde . . . mid þec þegn æt geþeahte, Gú. 1189. Hafa ðú mid þone bysceop sprǽce and geþeahte hwæt tó dónne sié, Bd. 1. 27; Sch. 74, 12. Hé hæfde geþeaht mid his witum and freóndum facto cum suis consilio, 3, 22 ; Sch. 292, 12 : 4, 1; Sch. 336, 16. Hæfde se cyng mycel geþeaht and swíðe deópe spǽce wið his witan, Chr. 1085; P. 216, 15. Geþancu mid geþeahtum beóð gestrangude, Scint. 199, 13. Þá þe ongynnað gesibbe geþeahtu qui ineunt pacts consilia, 9. Geðeaht, Kent. Gl. 421. I a. consideration, deliberation by an individual :-- 'Nedoo ðú nánwuht bútan geðeahte (sine consilio) . . . lǽt simle gán ðín eágean beforan ðínum fótum/ Ðonne stæppað ðá eágan beforan ðǽm fótum ðonne ðæt ryhte and ðæt gesceádwíslice geðeaht (recta consilia) gǽð beforan weorcum. Ac sé ðe ágímeleásað ðæt hé ðence . . . , Past. 287, 11-15. Sé sit on wóles setle, sé ðe yfel wyrcð mid geðeahte (ex judicio), 435, 22. II. advice, direction :-- Manege ic áwearp mid mínra witena geþeahte. Ll. Th. i. 58, 20: 246, 20. Seó gerǽdnes þe Eádgár cyng mid his witena geþeahte gerǽdde, 262, 3 : 340, 5. Ic Æðelstán mid geþeahte Wulfhelmes arceb. and mínra óðera biscopa, 194, 2. Mid geþeahte and mid láre Cénrédes mínes fæder and Heddes mínes biscepes. . . , 102, 2. Be bisceopes geþeahte, ii. 300, 28. Béte hé be his scriftes geþeahte, i. 374, 8. Ænig man . . . ciricþén ne útige búton biscopes geþehte, 306, 29. Óswió Sigebyrhte mid freóndlicre geþeahte (consilio), oft tó spræc, Bd. 3, 22; Sch. 292, 8. Wé magon eów syllan hálwende geþeahte (consilium), 1, 1; Sch. 11, 12. Him se bisceop hálwendlice geðeaht forðbróhte and hié lǽrede ꝥ . . . , Bl. H. 205, 18 : Ps. Th. 106, 10. Byþ hǽl þár þár fela geþeahtu synd, Scint. 199, 15. Ic ne gýmde þára nytlicra geþeahta mínra freónda, Nar. 6, 26. Sé þe wís ys, hé gehýrð geþeahtu, Scint. 199, 8. III. wisdom, prudence, discretion :-- Geþeaht gehealt þé (discretion shall preserve thee, Pro(every prudent man dealeth with knowledge, Prov. 13, 16), 199, 11: 10. Mid geþeahte and mid andgite, Bt. 33, 4 ; F. 132, 8 : Met. 20, 200. Gehealt lage and geþeaht (keep sound wisdom anddiscretion, Prov. 3, 21), Scint. 199, 6. Ꝥurh snyttro geþeaht, El. 1060. Mé rúmran geþeaht wísdóm onwreáh, 1241. IV. purpose, design, device, plan :-- Geþeaht, orþanc, searwu molimen, An. Ox. 123. Gif ys of mannum geþeaht þis oððe weorc, Scint. 199, 3. Hié gesetton ꝥ hé ... swungen wǽre oþþæt hé swylte ... Sóna swá him ꝥ geþeaht tó cóm, Bl. H. 193, 5. Þú wéndest ꝥ þiós slíþne wyrd þás woruld wende bútan Godes geþeahte has fortunarum vices existimas sine rectore fluitare, Bt. 5, 3; F. 14, 5: 5, 1; F. 8, 32. Þiós wandriende wyrd færþ æfter his foreþonce and æfter his geþeahte, swá swá hé tiohhaþ ꝥ hit sié, 39, 6; F. 220, 7. Hwæþer þú on ǽngum geþeahte swá twiórǽde sié ꝥ ðé helpe hwæþer hit gewyrþe þe hit nó ne gewyrþe, 41, 3; F. 250, 8. Fróde geþeahte with prudent purpose, Men. 182. Swá geendode se wita (Ahitophel) his wælhreówe geþeaht, sé þe wolde berǽdan his rihtwísan hláford, Hml. S. 19, 213: Hml. Th. i. 82, 31. Manna wísdóm and rǽdas syndon náhtlice ongeán Godes geþeaht, Chr. 979; P. 123, 33. Þurh eówer geþeaht as the result of your design, Past. 443, 8. Geþeahtu árleásra fácenralle, Scint. 138, 7. Þám apostole þá Godes geþeahtas wǽron onwrigene, Gr. D. 137, 20. Þurh geðeaht designedly; per consilia, Past. 435, 26. Hí geþóhtun geþeahta þá þe hí ne mihton gestaþolfæstnian they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform (A. V.), Ps. L. 20, 12. Drihten tóstencð geþeahtas ðeóda ... Geþeaht Drihtnes on écnysse wunað, 32, 10-11. V. a council, deliberative assembly :-- Þú bist gewuldrad þǽr bið wísra geðeaht and háligra gemétincg, Ps. Th. 88, 6. Se bisceopsinoð þæs Niceniscan geþeahtes, Angl. xi. 8, 1. [Tó sinoþ]licum gemóte l geþehte ad synodale concilium. An. Ox. 2093. v. un-geþeaht. ge-þeaht

Parole correlate: 2, II), Scint. 199, 5: 16. Gép ealle déð mid geþeahte
