
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-þeódan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: , -þiódan, -þiédan, -þídan, -þýdan :-- Geþeóded conexa, Wrt. Voc. ii. 21, 71. Geþeód textum, Germ. 399, 302. A. trans. I. of local relations. (1) to bring into contact, (a) to join together several things :-- Geþeóddum þínum þrím fingrum hryse þíne hand, Tech. ii. 124, 3. (b) to apply one thing to another :-- Ne hé ne geðiód nec applicat (ad os suum manum suam), Kent. Gl. 712. Geþiúdde adplicuit (cf. tó dyde adplicuit (flammas), 85, 59), Wrt. Voc. ii. 99, 41. Geþídde, 4, 50. Tó geþeód applica (ignes, saxa), An. Ox. 4761. (bb) used reflexively, to come up to an object, arrive at :-- Ic mé eft tó þǽre dura geðeódde, Hml. S. 23 b, 462. (c) of situation, to be contiguous :-- Eást-Seaxe syndon Temese streáme tósceádne fram Centlande and tó eástsǽ geðeódde (orientali marl contigui), Bd. 2, 3; Sch. 122, 16. (d) to join together people, unite in one company :-- Aldermen tósomne geþeóde singendum principes conjuncti psallentibus, Ps. Srt. 67, 26. (2) to join together so as to form a whole :-- Geþiód concinnat, Kent. Gl. 419. (3) to join so as to form an integral part of a whole, to insert into. Cf. VI :-- Ꝥá sume wé gémdon geþeódan in þis úre ciriclice stǽr e quibus nos aliqua historiae nostrae ecclesiasticae inserere curauimus, Bd. 4, 7; Sch. 385, 2. II. to join action :-- Wæs geþeóded and ongunnen hefig gewin and micel gefeoht betweoh hine and Æþelréde conserto graui proelio inter ipsum et Aedilredum, Bd. 4, 21; Sch. 452, 18. Geþeódre dǽde conjuncto actu, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 37. III. to serve as a link between :-- Seó miht geswutelað hwæt þes dǽl (the conjunction) mæge fremman, for ðan ðe hé hwílon geþeót óðre dǽlas and hwílon tóscǽt, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 258, 18. IV. to join, attach one person to another. (1) as adherent, follower, &c. :-- Ǽghwilc hine sylfne tó Gode geðeódde, Hml. S. 23 b, 147. Ic mé sáwle míne tó Gode hæfde georne geðeóded Deo subdita erit anima mea, Ps. Th. 61, 5. (2) as a fellow, friend, &c. :-- Áwende móde hé hine geðiédde (-ðídde, ) tó feldgongendum deórum hunc agri bestiis mutata mente conjunxit, Past. 39, 23. Heora nán hine eft tó his geférum ne geþeódde, Hml. S. 23 b, 135. Ðæt hé hiene selfne geðeóde (-ðióde, v. l.) tó eallum his hiéremonnum, tó ǽghwelcum be his andefne ut ad sua singulis congruat, 175, 3. Swá swá gé eów innan ne geðiéden tó ðǽm áwiergedum gǽstum te immundis spiritibus non conjungas, 375, 6. Ǽnig him gebróðra on ǽnigre ná sí geþeód geférrǽdene nullus ei fratrum in ullo jungatur consortio, R. Ben. I. 57, 2. Hý beóð geþeóde þeódscipum on gemang betwyx heáhfæderas and hálige wítegan vatidicis juncti patriarchis atque prophetis, Dóm. L. 282. (2 a) to join as man and wife :-- Hé silfa wæs mid þám fúlestan horwe þártó (to his daughter) geþeód, Ap. Th. 24, 15. Wæs geþeód foederatur (Bersabae inlegitimo jugalitatis vinculo), An. Ox. 5031. Geþeóddra foederator, i. copulatorum (nexibus jugalitatis), 340. (3) as a protector, supporter, &c. :-- Seó wiþerwearde wyrd gebét and gelǽreð ǽlcne þára ðe hió hí tó geþiét, Bt. 20; F. 70, 36. V. to attach a person to a non-material object, (1) as adherent, follower, &c. :-- Geðeód hine tó clǽnnysse þínes geleáfan, Hml. S. 7, 329. Hé wilnode singallíce hine geðiédan (-ðídan, v. l.) tó ðǽre tufan his Scippendes amori conditoris sedulo inhaerere desiderans, Past. 49, 16. Hí wilniað oþþe him selfe rícsian oþþe hí tó ðára rícena freóndscipe geþeódan hi vel regnare ipsi volunt, vel regnantibus adhaerere conantur, Bt. 24, 2; F. 82, 9. (2) as a fellow, associate, &c. :-- Ðonne wé ús unwærlíce geðiédað tó yfelra monna freóndscipe cum incaute malorum amicitiis jungimur, Past. 353, 23. Suá micle suá wé ús swíður geðiédað and gemódsumiað tó ðǽra yfelena freóndscipe, ðætte wé swá micle fier beóð ðǽm hiéhstan ryhte áðiédde ab illo, qui summe rectus est, eo ipso jam discrepat, quo perversorum amicitiis vita nostra congruat, 355, 7. Dauid, dá hé hine eallunga geðiédde tó ðǽm geðoftscipe ðǽre incundan sibbe David, dum totum se ad foedera pacis internae constringeret, 353, 3. (3) as protector, helper, &c. :-- Ðonne sió lufu for mildheortnesse hié geðiéd (-ðiét, v. l.) tó his níhstena ðearfe cum caritas ad ima proximorum se misericorditer attrahit, Past. 103, 17. VI. geþeódan in to involve in. Cf. I. 3 :-- Ꝥ hí ne dorston hí gemængan and geþýdan in þá scylde þǽre gýtsunge ut istos avaritiae tanta damnatio misceri in culpa prohiberet, Gr. D. 345, 4. VII. to apply, employ for a purpose :-- Wé ne geþeódan nullatenus adhibeamus (scapularum terga pro scutorum umbonibus), An. Ox. 749. Geþeóddum searaþancum adhibitis argumentis, 4071. B. intrans. I. of local relations. (1) to cleave to, remain in contact with :-- Geþeóde tunge mín gómum mínum adhaereat lingua mea faucibus meis Ps. L. 136, 6. (1 a) of non-material objects :-- Geþeódde heresceret (ut quicquid scrutando rimaretur ... intra sagacis animi conclave radicatum haeresceret, Ald. 43, 1), An. Ox. 3112. (2) of constant attendance in a place :-- [Cwear]tenys þrexwoldum tó geþeódde lautomie liminibus herescit, An. Ox. 4641. Tó geþeódenne adherentem (ecclesiae liminibus), 3362. II. to attach oneself to a person. (1) to be an adherent, a follower of :-- Hit is áwriten ꝥ sé þe geþeódeð tó (fylgeð, v. l.) Drihtne, þonne byð án gást his and Drihtnes scriptum est, 'Qui adhaeret Domino, unus spiritus est,' Gr. D. 136, 13: 17. Swá swá englas on heofonum þé gehýrsumiað and mid eallum gemete tó ðé geðeódað, swá menn þe on eorðan sind, beón hí ðinum willan gehýrsume and tó ðé mid ealre geornfulnysse geðeódan, Hml. Th. i. 264, 18-22. Sió leáse gesǽlþ tíhþ þá þe hiere tó geþeódaþ, Bt. 20; F. 72, 7. Geðeódde sum hǽðen wer him (St. Martin) tó, Hml. Th. ii. 504, 22. Ꝥá unscæðþigan geðeóddon (adheserunt) mé, Ps. L. 24, 21. (2) to be a helper, protector, &c. :-- Seó wiðerwearde wyrd gefreóþ ǽlc þára þe hió tó geþiéð (-ðiét, S. 47, 24), Bt. 20; F. 72, 3. III. to adhere to a condition, action, &c. :-- Bys[num] tó geþeóddon exemplis herescunt, An. Ox. 4916. Hé tó geþeóde adhaerescat, 2355. IV. of things :-- Geþeódeþ þé setl unrihtwísnesse adheret tibi sedes iniquitatis, Ps. L. 93, 20. Þingc unriht ne geþeódde (adhesit) mé, 100, 4. v. tó-, un-geþeód, under-geþeóded. ge-þeodan

Parole correlate: l.
