
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-þeódnes

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

-ness, -nyss, e;

f. [ge, þeódnes, -nys a joining]. I. a joining, juncture, joint; junctio, junctura, compages :-- Seó geþeódnes ðæs heáfdes tobrocen wæs the joining of the head was broken, Bd. 5, 6; S. 619, 24. He wæs býgendlíc on ðám geþeódnessum his liþa he was flexible in the joints of his limbs, 4, 30; S. 608, 38. Monigra monna mód to geþeódnesse ðæs heofonlícan lífes onbærnde wǽron multorum animi appetitum sunt vitæ cælestis accensi, 4, 24; S. 596, 37. II. a conjunction :-- Conjunctio mæg beón gecweden geþeódnyss conjunctio may be called 'geþeódnyss,' Ælfc. Gr. 44, 2; Som. 45, 24: 5, 26; Som. 3, 50. III. conjugation :-- Conjugatio verborum is worda geþeódnyss ... Conjugatio mæg beón gecweden geþeódnyss forðan ðe on ðære beóþ manega word geþeódde on ánre declínunge, Ælfc. Gr. 24; Som. 24, 19-23. IV. a translation :-- Ðeáh ða scearpþanclan witan ðisse engliscan geþeódnesse ne behófien though the acute wise men need not this English translation, Lchdm. iii. 440, 32. ge-þeodnes