Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-trymman
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-trymman
- Add: I. of persons or things, to make strong; to fortify against attack (lit. or fig.) :-- Man þá burh worhte and getrymode æt Witanhám, Chr. 913; P. 97, 33. Hé his forðfóre getrymede mid onfangennesse þæs dryhtenlican líchaman obitum suum dominici corporis perceptione munivit, Bd. 4, 3; Sch. 359, 8. Ðætte hié heora heortan getrymigen (-trymmen, ) æfter dæs miclan sige ut cor post victoriam muniant. Past. 229, 4. Ic wolde getrymman munimus, 41, 4. Ðæt hé beó getrymed and gefrætwod wið ǽlce frécenesse mid ðysum mægenum ut contra adversa virtutum ornamento muniatur, 83, 10: Bl. H. 225, 33. Gitrymmed wið ðone fiónd monnes offirmatum adversus inimicum hominis, Rtl. 113, 28. Ǽlce getrymmede (munitam) burh þú gebíge tó mé, Hml. A. 103, 49. ꝥ from (ab) wiðirweardnissnm ué sié gitrymmed (muniamur) in líchome, Rtl. 16, 7. Getrymmedo wið (contra), 7, 9. II. to make strong in health; restore to health :-- Hé þǽre ealdan untrumnesse getrymed wæs ueterno infirmitatis discusso, Bd. 5, 5; Sch. 572, 11. II a. reflexive, to get strong, recover health :-- Þá getrýmede ic mé and gestrangod wæs conualui, 5, 6; Sch. 581, 11. ¶ used figuratively :-- Hé hine getrymige and gefylle mid ðǽm úplican tóhopan supernae spei refectione convalescat, Past. 395, 6. III. of non-material objects, to establish, make effective, make valid, confirm :-- Hié hira ágen unryht willað getrymman student sua perversa roborare, Past. 367, 2. Getrymman stabilire (cogitaverunt consilium quod non potuerunt stabilire, Ald, 60, 33), An. Ox. 4329. III a. of formal regulations, laws, &c. :-- Hé sette synoð, and getrymde and gefæstnode ealle ðá ðing be Godes mynstran ðá wǽron gesett be Wihtgáres dæge, Chr. 796; P. 56, 27. ꝥte ryhte cynedómas þurh úre folc gefæstnode and getrymede wǽron, Ll. Th. i. 102, 10. IV. of mental or moral strength, to give strength to mind or heart, establish, confirm faith, &c. :-- Ðroure ðín mægne stydfæstnise in ðrouenge gitrymmedest martyrem tuum virtute constantiae in passione roborasti, Rtl. 50, 4. Drihten getrymmede (confortavit) mec, 60, 25: Lk. L. (gitrymede, R., gestrangode, W.S.), 22, 43. His geleáfa hine getrymde (-trymede, v.l.) his faith gave him courage. Hml. S. 26, 15. Hé getrymede heora geleáfan, Bl. H. 17, 8. Heora cyning mid þǽm scopleóðe heora mód getrymede, Ors. 1, 14; S. 58, 1. Getrym (confirma) bróðro ðíno, Lk. p. 11, 4. Getrymeg (-tryme, R.), Lk. L. 22, 32. Ðæt sió hering getrymme ðæs wácmódan monnes mód wið ðá tǽlinge, Past. 213, 2. Ðætte ðæt lof hié getrymede quatenus eorum mentem laus solidaret, 22. Getrymian roborare, 385, 1. Wé sculon úre mód getrymman wið ðisses middangeardes óliecunga ut contra favores mundi mentem erigant, 387, 20. Wolde hé heora geleáfan gestrangian and getrymman mid wundrum. Hml. Th. i. 154, 1. Nǽron hié mid þon godcundan gǽste getrymede. Bl. H. 117, 15: 121, 7. V. to exhort, encourage, comfort, :-- Wé gitrymmeð íuih ortamur vos, Rtl. 11, 23. Óðre gitrymede (getrummade, L.) alia exortans, Lk. R. 3, 18. Hé hí mid þám gewritum tihte and getrymde tó lífes wege, Hml. Th. i. 388, 27. Hý (the Egyptians) ðá getrymedon hyra drýas, and getrúwedon mid hyra drýcræftum ꝥ hí on ðone ilcan weg féran meahtan, Ors. 1, 7; S. 38, 30. Getrymed bið cohortatur, Lk. p. 4, 7: exortatur, Jn. p. 7, 4 VI. to establish a point by evidence, authoritative statement, proof, &c. (1) to testify, attest :-- Monige wérun ðá ðe godspellas áwritton ðe godspellere getrymmeð (testatur) cwoeðende, Mt. p. 7, 1. Getrymes, 15, 8. Getrymeð, Jn. p. 7, 9: Jn. L. 3, 32. Wé gitrymmað (getrymes, L.) testamur, Jn. R. 3, 11. Gé gitrymmað (getrymeð, L.) testificamini, Lk. R. 11. 48. Getrymade testatur. Lk. p. 6, 13. Getrymed wæs protestatus, Jn. L. R. 13, 21. (2) to affirm, confirm :-- Tó lufanne ðone nésto mid ae getrymmas amandum proximum lege firmans, Mt. p. 14, 18. Érist mið cýðnise getrymað (confirmat), Lk. p. 10, 10: Th. p. 4, 3. Sum getrymede (-ide, R.) quidam affirmabat, Lk. L. 22, 59. Hé wolde þone cwide getrymman on þǽre godcundan dǽde, Bl. H. 215, 27. VI a. cýþnesse getrymman to bear witness :-- Ic cýðnisse gitrymmo testimonium perhibeo, Jn. R. L. 8, 14. Getrymo, Jn. L. 8, 18. Ðú getrymes, 13. Getrymes perhibet, 18. Getrymmes (-trymeð, R.), 1. 15. Getrymmeð, 21, 24. Gié getrymies (-trymmas, R.) perhibetis, 15, 27. Ic getrymede, 1. 34. Ðú getrymedis, 3, 26. Getrymme (-tryme, R.) perhibe, 18, 23. VII. to make a matter sure, to engage, promise :-- Ic getrymme stipulor. An. Ox. 18 a. 84. VIII. to trim, set in firm order, array troops :-- Getremmað instruunt (certamina), Hpt. Gl. 425, 57. 'Getrymiað eów wið ðá burg' ... Suǽ suǽ here sceolde bión getrymed onbútan Hierusalem, suǽ sculon beón getrymed ðá word ðæs sácerdes ymbútan ðæt mód his hiéremonna, Past. 161, 19-25. Hé hét þæt hí áne tíd ofer undern hí getrymedon ongeán heora fýnd, Hml. Th. i. 504, 24. Getrymed féða cuneus, Wülck. Gl. 216, 12. Getrimmed, Wrt. Voc. i. 18, 31. Mið þǽm þe hí hié getrymed hæfdon cum directa utraque acies constitisset, Ors. 4, 2; S. 160, 28. IX. of fixity of position or purpose :-- Ie þínne síþfæt gestaðelode and getrymede I have fixed and settled thy journey, Bl. H. 231, 28. Hé getrymede (firmavit) hys ansýne ꝥ hé férde to Hierusalem he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, Lk. 9, 51. Eal swá hraðe swá hé cóm tó Cantuareberi and hé warð getremmed on his arcestóle, Chr. 870; P. 283, 26. IX a. of the position conferred by creation :-- Hæfde se Ealwalda engelcynna þurh handmægen téne getrymede (cf. the prose versions :-- Geworhte hé þurh his wísdóm týn engla werod, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 23. Hé gesceóp týn engla werod, Hml. Th. i. 10, 12), Gen. 248. ge-trymman