
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-wæterian

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: (1) to supply animals with water, Coll. M. 20, 31 (in Dict.). (2) to water plants (lit. or fig.) :-- Ðonne gréwð ðætsǽd ðára worda ðonne sió mildheortnes ðæs láreówes geðwǽnð ðá breóst ðæs hiérendes. For ðǽm is niéddearf ðǽm reccere ðæt hé mæge óðerra monna inngeðonc giendgeótan and gewæterian (infundere), Past. 137, 10. (3) to water land :-- Ásende Drihten rénscúras and gewæterode þá eorðan, Hml. S. 14, 177. (4) to pour water on material :-- Hé hét gewæterian ealne þone wudu ait: 'Fundite super ligna,' Hml. S. 18, 125. ge-wæterian