
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-wemman

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add :-- Gewemmed infractus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 48, 80. Gewemde infecta, 47, 60. I. physical, to disfigure, mar, blemish :-- Gelícost ðǽm ðe hé gewemme ealne ðone líchoman quasi totum corpus exasperat, Past. 73, 1. Næs hyra wlite gewemmed, Dan. 437. I a. to destroy :-- 'Anlícnes, sænd mycel waeter ... swá þæt sién gewemmede ealle þá on þisse ceastre syndon' (cf. þæt þú on þis folc forð onsende wæter to wera cwealme, An. 1509) ... sió onlícnes sendde mycel wæter swá sealt, and hit æt manna líchaman and hit ácwealde heora bearn, Bl. H. 245, 22. II. to impair, diminish :-- Gif ǽnig wylle þás úre sylena gewemman and gewonian on ǽnigum þingum, Cht. E. 242, 21. His miht bið á éce, his ríce ne bið gewemmed, Bl. H. 31, 27. III. to impair the quality of, corrupt, degrade, profane, (1) the object personal :-- Ðæt mód bið gewemmed mid ðæs anwaldes heánesse animus potentiae fastigio corrumpitur, Past. 113, 20: 313, 25. (2) the object a thing :-- Gewaniað hié ðone hád and gewemmað superioris loci meritum diminuunt, Past. 413, 2. Þú gewemdest his hálignesse profanasti sanctitatem ejus, Ps. Th. 88, 32. Ðý lǽs ðá smyltnesse ðæs dómes gewemme se dierna æfst ne tranquillitatem judicii latens invidia maculet, Past. 79, 13. Ðý lǽs ðá rúmmódnessa sió unrótnes gewemme ne largitatem tristitia corrumpat, 323, 10. Ðonne sió hálignes monnes lífes bið mid eorðlicum weorcum gewemmed (polluitur), 133, 22. IV. to pollute, defile. (1) the object personal :-- Ðæt gecyndelice gewitt bið gewemmed mid ðǽm ðe hit cnyssað on unrihta wilnunga naturales sensus pulsantis concupiscentiae corruptione vitiantur, Past. 405, 6. For hwý bið se ryhtwísa gecostod mid yfle geðohte, and ne bið ðeáh gewemed mid ðǽre scylde tentatur, et tamen eum culpa non inquinat, 423, 24. (2) the object a thing :-- Þú cennest and þínne mægþhád nó ne gewemmest, Bt. H. 9, 1. Heora yrmð áfeormað þæt þæt seó gehwǽde oferflówendnys gewemð, Hml. Th. i. 332, 14. Hié gewemmað ðone áliéfdan gesinscipe mid ðǽre unliéfedan gemengnesse pulchram copulae speciem admixtis voluptatibus foedant, Past. 397, 13. Of gewemmedum racum probrosis factionibus, An. Ox. 2, 119. IV a. of improper sexual intercourse, incestans (germani thalamum), Wrt. Voc. ii. 90, 50. Nán man mé gewemde, ac Crist geheóld míne clǽnnysse, Hml. S. 30, 359. Gif hwá þæs cyninges brýde gewemde, Hml. Th. ii. 476, 28. Gewemmendes forligres maculantis prostibuli, An. Ox. 4964. [O. H. Ger. ge-wemmen polluere, corrumpere.] v. un-gewemmed. ge-wemman

Parole correlate: ge-wemmend :-- Gewemde
