Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-wenian
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-wenian
- Take here ge-wænian in Dict., and add: I. to accustom, train, make habitual to :-- Tunglu him healdað betwuh ribbe singale, dydon swá lange, swá hí gewenede wuldres ealdor æt frum-sceafte (cf. healdaþ þá tnnglu þá ealdan sibbe ðe hí on gesceapne wǽron, Bt. 39, 13; F. 232, 26), Met. 29, 6. I a. to tram to do something :-- Martinus wæs gewenod tó wǽpnum fram cildháde, Hml. S. 31, 16. Ylpas getemode and tó wíge gewenode mid wundorlicum cræfte, 25, 559. I b. with complementary adjective, to make tame :-- Wudufuglas wel átemede þeáh heora láreówas him biódan þá ilcan mettas ðe hí ǽr tame mid gewenedon (with which they made them tame. Cf. þone ilcan mete þe se láreów hí ǽror mid tame getéde, Met. 13, 44), Bt. 25 ; F. 88, 18. IX. to draw, attract to or from. II. in Dict. , and wenian ; II. ge-wenian