
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-wídmǽrsian

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: I. trans, (1) to spread the fame of a person :-- His nama wearð gewfdmǽrsod wíde geond þæt land nomen ejus uulgatum est in omni terra, Jos. 6, 2f. (2) to spread the knowledge of a fact, event, &c. , to publish, promulgate :-- Ðá hyrdas þá heofenlican gesihíe gewídmǽrsodon, Hml. Th. i. 36, 13. Riht gewídmǽrsion legem promulgare, An. Ox. 1305. (3) to make known what is unfavourable or should be concealed :-- Mid andetnesse suman gástlicum bréder þe . . . his sáule wundela gehǽlan cunne and hí gewídmǽrsian (publicare) nelle, R. Ben. 72, 7. Ofermódnesse gewídmǽrsodre insolentiam iraductam, An. Ox. 8, 391. II. intrans. To become widely known, be celebrated :-- Wíde springaþ, gewídmǽrsiaþ crebresctint (catholicoritm hades'), An. Ox. 2769. Lá hú ne gewídmǽrsude nonne percrebruit (Anthonius), 2374 : 2840. Cnæplingc ofer eal gewídmǽrsude (cum) puer late crebresceret, 2585. See preceding word for other examples. ge-widmærsian