
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-wilnian

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Dele first passage, and add: in a bad sense, to covet:--Ic gewilnie glisco, An. Ox. 18 b, 39. I. to desire an object (the source from which marked by ). (1) with acc. or uncertain:--Sé ðe biscephád gewilnað (desiderat), gód weorc hé gewilnað, Past. 52, 25. Gewilne expetit ( = gewilnode expetivit, appetebat [anferre]), Gr. D. 25, 16. Ðæs láriówdómes ðegnung bið untǽlwierðlíce gewilnad praedicationis officium nonnulli laudabiliter appetunt, Past. 11, 9. Gewilnede gesinscipas obtata conubia, An. Ox. 4287. (2) with gen.:--Bilewite cild ne gewilnað wlitiges wífes, Hml. Th. i. 512, 13. Manegra wíta hié gewildnodon wið ðan éce lífe multos scimus beatitudinis fructum suppliciis quaesisse, Bt. 11, 2; F. 36, 4. Ne gewilna (concupisces) þú þínes néhstan ierfes mid unrihte, Ll. Th. i. 44, 21. (3) with dat.:--Sé ðe biscepháde gewilnað, Past. 53, 8. (4) with clause:--Hé gewilnode tó Gode ꝥ hé hine ne léte lybban náne hwíle æfter his leófan fæder, Chr. 1038; P. 161, 31. II. to desire to do. (1) with infin.:--Ðá fǽmnan þe gewilniað (-wuniað, v. l.) onfón galdorcræftigan, Ll. Th. i. 52, 9. Þá gewilniað heora sáwla sellan, 56, 20. (2) with dat. infin.:--Þá wyrta þe hé ǽr mid stale gewilnode tó ætbrédanne (appetebat auferre), Gr. D. 25, 16. Hé ꝥ gefremede man gewilnade tó bedíglianne, Ap. Th. 2, 6. Manega wítegan gewilnudon (gewilnadon, L., cupierunt) þá þing tó geseónne, Mt. 13, 17. III. to desire to go to (), lit. or fig., (1) to a person:--Wé witon þæt ðú gewilnast tó ðám wuldorfullan Drihtne, Hml. Th. ii. 516, 22. Þú gewilnast tó Críste, Hml. S. 31, 1338. (2) to a place, position, condition, &c.:--Þá þe hé (St. Martin) wæs twelfwintra hé gewilnode tó wéstene (cf. smeágende hú hé (St. Martin) on wéstene wunian mihte, Hml. Th. ii. 500, 2), and hé hit eác gefremode gif hé þá ylde hæfde, Hml. S. 31, 26. Hé gewilnode anhelat (ad summum virginitatis fastigium), An. Ox. 2, 230. ge-wilnian

Parole correlate: Lk. 22, 31), Wrt. Voc. ii. 74, 2: 30, 68. Wyrte þe hé ǽr mid stale gewilnode (
