Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-witnes
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-witnes
- Add: I. witness. Cf. ge-wita; I; ge-witscipe. (1) personal observation, presence of witnesses:--Sé þe yrfe bycge on gewitnesse, Ll. Th. i. 212, 12. Búton hé hæbbe gewitnesse, 282, 26. (1 a) with gen. of person:--Þæt hé him sealde wið feoh þæt scræf on hyra gewitnysse (coram vobis), Gen. 23, 9. Ðeáh hit nán mon nyte, swáðeáh hit bið beforan monnum gedón, emne swelce hit sié on ealra ðára gewitnesse gedón . . . nullus fortasse videl, et hoc tamen coram hominibus fecit; quia tot testes in bono opere secum duxit . . ., Past. 451, 21. Hé hine geclǽnsode on þes arcbes gewitnesse (teste arepa), Chr. 1022; P. 157, 6: Ll. Th. i. 162, 13: 198, 13. Cýþe hé on hwæs gewitnysse hé þone ceáp gebohte, 274, 22. In gemótes gewitnesse, 82, 16. Ǽlc mon mid heora gewitnysse bigcge, 274, 12: 276, 6. Nán man hwyrfe nánes yrfes bútan þæs geréfan gewitnesse . . ., 204, 18. Under þæs bisceopes gewitnesse under the bishop's supervision, 198, 10. Hæbbe hé þæs portgeréfan gewitnesse, 158, 11. Man hæbbe getreówe gewitnesse feówer manna, 390, 4, 6. (2) the practice of having witnesses present at a transaction, the service as a witness in such cases:--Landcóp and lahcóp and witword and gewitness, ꝥ ꝥ stande, Ll. Th. i. 294, 1: ii. 302, 6. Ic wille ꝥ gewitnes sý geset tó ǽlcere byrig . . . Tó ǽlcere byrig .xxxiii. sýn gecorene tó gewitnesse . . . Heora ǽlc þonne hine man ǽrest tó gewitnysse gecýsð sylle áð . . . sýn on ǽlcum ceápe twégen oþþe þrý tó gewitnysse, 274, 6-19. Mid gewitnysse þára manna þe tó gewitnysse genamode synt, 276, 7. (3) testimony, attestation. Cf. ge-wita; I. 2:--Galað is on Englisc gewitnesse heáp. Eal sió gesomnung ðǽre hálgan ciricean ðurh ondetnesse hielt ðá gewitnesse ðǽre sóðfæsðnesse Galaad acervus testimonii interpretatur. Cuncta congregatio ecclesiae per confessionem servit testimonio veritatis, Past. 367, 5-7. Oxanhyrde mót lǽswian .ii. oxan on gemǽnre lǽse be his ealdormannes gewitnesse (per testimonium aldremanni sui), Ll. Th. i. 438, 14. Ꝥ hý rihte dómas déman be ðǽre b gewitnesse, Cht. E. 230, 30: Wlfst. 181, 7. On his néhebúra gewitnesse, Ll. Th. i. 238, 3. Sé þe land gewerod hæbbe be scíre gewitnesse, 420, 20. Gange ǽlc man þæs tó gewitnesse þe hé durre on þám háligdóme swerian, 292, 14. Hié bǽdon þæt hé on þǽre gewitnesse (cf. ge-wita; I. 2 c) wǽre þæt þæt ríce emne gedǽled wǽre they asked him to be witness that the kingdom was evenly divided, Ors. 3, 7; S. 114, 18. Hé hæfð ðæs gewitnesse ðe hé cwéman ðencð ðæt hé hit for Gode dyde, Past. 451, 17. Gif hé láðleés beó séce swylcne hláford on þá gewitnesse swylcne hé wille si culpa careat, perquirat sibi dominum in testimonio quem voluerit, Ll. Th. i. 220, 25. Búton hé hæbbe ðæs hundredes manna gewitnyssa, 258, 22. (4) oral or written evidence, (false) witness:--Be wóhre gewitnesse. Gif man áfinde ꝥ heora ǽnig on wóhre gewitnesse wǽre, ꝥ nǽfre his gewitnes eft náht ne forstande, Ll. Th. i. 204, 22-4. Getrýwe gewitnes trustworthy evidence, 290, 19. Ic hér on sóðre gewitnesse stande . . . swá ic mid mínum égum oferseah and mínum eárum oferhýrde ꝥ ꝥ ic him mid sæcge, 180, 28: 276, 33. Nán óðer þingc on gewitnysse ne cýþe bútan ꝥ án ꝥ hé geseah oþþe gehýrde, 274, 17. Gif mæssepreóst stande on leásre gewitnesse oþþe on mǽnan áðe, 346, 8: 398, 11: 388,23. Ne sæge þú leáse gewitnesse, 44, 20. Náne gewitnesse hé hit on riht týmde, 158, 16. Búton hé gewitnesse hæbbe ꝥ æfter him ne saga þú, 54, 4. Ꝥ hé hæfde ungeligene gewitnesse þæs ꝥ hit swá gód wǽre, 232, 26. Be ðám ðe hiora gewitnessa beforan bisc. áleógað. Gif hwá beforan biscepe his gewitnesse and his wed áleóge, 110, 9-12. False gewihta . . . and leáse gewitnessa, 310, 13. (4 a) a testament:--Ðǽre níua gewitnesse noui testamenti, Mt. L. R. 26, 28. (5) with a personal sense, a witness; testis: or with collective force, witnesses; testes. (a) one who is present at a transaction. Cf. ge-wita; I. 1:--On þára manna gewitnesse þe him tó gewitnesse getealde syndon (qui testes adnumerati sunt ei), Ll. Th. i. 162, 13: 34, 4. Ðis syndon ðǽra manna naman ðe ðises tó gewitnesse wǽron, Cht. Th. 541, 1. Ðá gód ðe hí openlíce dóð beóð swelce hí sién bútan gewitnesse, for ðǽm hí næbbað éce gewitnesse; ac hí habbað éce gewitnesse ðára yfela ðe hí diégellíce dóð sine teste est bonum, quod publice faciunt, et non sine aeterno teste, quod latentes delinquunt, Past. 449, 2-4. (b) one who bears witness. Cf. ge-wita; I. 2:--Leás gewitnes testis mendax (peribit), Kent. Gl. 801. Gif þǽr bið gewrit oþþe gewitnes (scriptum testamenti et testes), Ll. Th. i. 88, 18. Gecýþe seó gewitnysse ꝥ on Godes helde, ꝥ heó him on sóðre gewitnysse sý inueritent hoc ipsi testes in fide Domini, quod ei in uero testimonio sint, 388, 22. Mid gewitnysse cum testibus, 290, 10: 489, 11. Forþ brengende leáse gewitnesse proferentem (mendacia) testem fallacem, Kent. Gl. 153. Cuómun twoege leáse gewitneso (testes), Mt. L. R. 26, 60. Ꝥ gewitnessa ne móston standan, þeáh hí fulgetreówe wǽron, and hí swá sǽdan swá hí tó woldon swerian, Ll. Lbmn. 244, 30. II. knowledge, cognizance. (1) cf. ge-wita; II. 1:--Dó hé ꝥ mid þæs ealdormonnes gewitnesse, Ll. Th. i. 86, 3: 282, 18. (2) cf. ge-wita; II. 3:--Gif þeówmon wyrce on Sunnandæg be his hláfordes hǽse. . . . Gif se þeówa bútan his gewitnesse wyrce, Ll. Th. i. 104, 4. Gyf se landman ǽniges fácnes gewita sý, þonne sý hé wítes scyldig, búton hé hine þǽre gewitnesse geládie, 354, 27. Gif hwá stalie swá his wíf nyte and his bearn. . . . Gif hé stalie on gewitnesse ealles his hírédes, 106, 16. Scyld on gewyrhtum oððe on gewitnesse, Rtl. 114, 23. (3) knowledge confined to oneself. Cf. ge-wita; III a:--Swá hwylc man swá mid his gewitnysse hine óðre síþe fullað quicunque sciens (cf. non ignoranter, 45, 5) secunda vice baptizatus sit, Ll. Th. ii. 144, 21. [O. H. Ger. ge-wiznesse testimonium, testamentum.]