
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-wríþan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add:--Gewriðen religatus vel vinculatus, Wrt. Voc. i. 51, 43. I. to wrap up an object with a covering:--Þá brǽd se sceocca hine sylfne tó menn, gewráð his sceancan, Hml. S. 11, 223. I a. of medical treatment, to bind up, bandage a limb, wound, &c.:--Se foreda sconca bið gewriðen mid ðǽm bende, suá beóð ðá synna mid láreówdóme gebundne. Sió wund wile tóberan, gif hió ne bið gewriðen mid wrǽde . . . Sió wund bið ðæs ðe wierse, gif hió bið unwærlíce gewriðen, and bið ðæt sár ðé gefrédre gif sió wund bið tó fæste gewriðen. Suá is ðearf ðæt se láreów ðára synna wunde gemetlíce gewríðe fracturam ligamen adstringit; cum culpam disciplina deprimit . . . saepe deterius frangitur, cum fractura incaute colligatur, ita ut gravius scissuram sentiat, si hanc immoderatius ligamenta constringant. Unde necesse est ut cum peccati vulnus restringitur . . ., Past. 123, 13-21. II. to bind one object to another. (1) of material objects:--Þá deóflu gewriðon his handa tó his hricge, Hml. Th. ii. 416, 9. Dó on ánne clǽnne cláð, and gewríðe onbútan þǽs mannes swyran, Lch. i. 160, 23. Ðá hét hé gewríðan ðone pápan and ðone óðerne preóst tó his hricge hindan, Hml. Th. ii. 310, 30. Tó gehwylcum bryce, hundes brægen áléd on wulle and ꝥ tóbrocene tó gewriþen, 370, 19. (2) of non-material objects, to connect:--Of þissum fíf vocales wyrcað preóstas heóm ánne circul. Ðǽr tó hig gewríðað þæne nymendan dǽl, Angl. viii. 313, 10. (3) figurative, of adhesion or attachment, to bind. (a) the object a person, where obligation is accepted:--Munecas tó him cómon, ꝥ hí tó his bysne and tó his lárum hí gewriðon, and tó þære onhýringe his forhæfednysse hí underðeóddon, Hml. S. 23 b, 31. (b) the object a thing, where disregard is prevented:--Gewríð liga (praecepta in corde tuo), Kent. Gl. 156. III. to fasten to or on a band, rope, &c.:--Hé lét ofdúne þone hláf mid langum rápe gewriðenne panem in longissimo fune religatum deponebat, Gr. D. 99, 4. IV. to fasten a band:--Heó ǽnne wernægel . . . becnytte tó ánum hringe mid hire snóde. . . . Ðá geseah heó licgan ðone hring . . . mid snóde mid ealle . . . Þá wende heó þæt. . . seó snód tóslupe; ac heó áfunde þá snóde mid eallum cnottum swá fæste gewriðen swá heó ǽr wæs, Hml. Th. ii. 28, 27. V. to bind together, draw together:--Tólýs sace bendas, gewríþ sibbe wǽre dissolve litis vincula, asstringe pacis federa, Hy. S. 29, 3. Wé willad þá stafas onsundron gewriðan we will group those letters together separately, Angl. viii. 335, 38. [Twælf swine mid wiðen ywriðen al togadere, Laym. 25974.] VI. with idea of compulsion. (1) the subject a person, to bind with bonds:--Ic eom gebunden mid fýrenum racenteágum fram Crístes englum . . .; hé úrne ealdor myd fýrenum bendum gewráð, Hml. Th. i. 462, 13. 'Godes engel ús gewráð' . . . 'Unbinde eów Godes engel, swá þæt gé faron tó Hermogenem and hine gewriðenne hider gebringan,' ii. 416, 3-8. Hé gewráð fela manna, and on racenteágum gebróhte tó þǽre byrig, Hml. S. 31, 1144. In brídelse cécan heara gewríþ (constringe), Ps. Srt. 31, 9. Mid bendum fæste gewríðan, Hml. S. 23, 179. Man sceall þé fæste gewrídan ǽgder ge handa ge fét, 713. Ðes deófol is gebunden . . ., and ic dó þæt hé andet þæt hé is gewriðen, Hml. Th. i. 462, 1. (2) the subject a bond:--Tóslít bendas þá gewríðaþ mé rumpe uincula quae stringunt me, Ps. L. fol. 142, 9. Hé bið gewriðen constringitur (funibus peccatorum suorum), Kent. Gl. 117. VII. to prevent the action, movement, &c., of something, to check, restrain. (1) physical:--Dó gelómlíce on þá næsþyrlu; wundorlíce heó ꝥ blód of ðám næsþyrlum gewríð, Lch. i. 198, 22. Hý þæs líchaman swát gewríðað, 322, 9. (2) of human action or conduct:--Gyf gewríð si coagmentat ((constringit, ) crimina uirtus), Hpt. 31, 18, 491. Wé sceolon gewríðan and gewyldan þá gálnysse, Hml. A. 17, 99. Hí gewriþene synt and hí hruron ipsi obligati sunt et ceciderunt, Ps. L. 19, 9. VIII. to bind a person, render obliged. v. ge-wriþen:--Gewríð obligat (se in futurum), Kent. Gl. 447. IX. to vex, torment:--Gewríðað seó vexant pupillas, Hpt. 31, 10, 183. Hé hét hí gewríðan on ðám breóste mid þǽre hencgene, Hml. S. 8, 122. [O. H. Ger. ge-rídan contorquere.] v. hand-gewriþen; ge-wriþen. ge-wriðan,ge-wriþan

Parole correlate: l.
