
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-wunelíce

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: I. usually, generally. Cf. ge-wunelic; I:--Man þá béc rǽt on circan swíðe gewunelíce, Ælfc. T. Grn. 9, 1. On eallum limum ac gewunelícost on þám handum, Hml. S. 1, 200. II. where a practice is made of doing something, as a matter of habit or custom:--Ðá seó tíd middæges tó becóm, þá oðstód[hé] . . . and hine gewunelíce gebæd, for þan þe hé gewunode on þám gesettum tídum . . . gebiddan, Hml. S. 23 b, 162. Hé beginð tó healdenne swylce gecyndelíce and gewunlíce (-wune, ) velut naturaliter ex consuetudine incipiet custodire, R. Ben. 32, 1. Hí syððan gewunelíce þider sóhton afterwards they made a practice of visiting the place (but see Bl. H. 201, 12 under ge-wuna; I. 5), Hml. Th. i. 504, 6. II a. with constant practice, assiduously:--Ðá ðe giwunlíce God heriað qui assidue Deum laudant, Rtl. 113, 8. III. usually, in ordinary circumstances:--Syricas beteran þonne þá þe hý gewunelíce weriað tonice solito quas habent meliores, R. Ben. 91, 11: An. Ox. 2765. IV. in accordance with fixed custom, properly, regularly. v. ge-wunelic; V:--Gewunelíce rite (et regulariter congruere), An. Ox. 5145. v. un-gewunelíce. ge-wunelice

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