Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-wyrcan
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ge-wyrcan
- Add :-- Geworhte effecit, i. perfecit, fecit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 142, 49. Gewyrce and tō getió contrahat, 21, 42. Tō gewyrcenne ad conficiendos, 6, 31. Gewarht conderetur, 105, 13. Geworht, 15, 17. Bid geworht confici, 23, 17, Geworht weorc instructum, 49, 23. Gewroht, i. 21, 38. I. to work (trans., as in wrought iron), to action. (l) the object a person">subject">labour a get by working">to action. (l) the object a person">subject, expend to action. (l) the object a person">subject">labour upon material to prepare it for a purpose, adorn with :-- Geworht land novalis ager, Wrt. Voc. i. 37, 53. Þæs temples segl wundorbleóm geworht, Cri. 1140. Geworhtne ornatum, i. compo-situm (diadema gemmis purpureis ornatum, Ald. 28, 32), An. Ox. 2120. Mē ne lyst mid glase geworhtra wāga non requiro comptos vitro parietes, Bt. 5, l ; F. 10, 16. II. to make, (i) the get by working">to action. (l) the object a person">subject a person, (a) to form an object out of material :-- Hē gewyrced helm odde hupseax, Crä. 63. Gewyrcean wīgbord, B. 2337. Geworht confecta (ornamen-torum gloria ex ferri instrumentis confecta, Ald. 8, 24), Wrt. Voc. ii. 23, 28. Orþoncum geworht, Rä. 69, 3. Hwæþer þū swelces āuht wyrcan mæge odde geworhtes habbe, Bt. 14, l ; F. 40, 26. (a α) where the material is stated :-- Ðæt hrægl scolde bión geworht of purpuran, Past. 83, 22. Geworht of dǣm treówe sethim, 171, 7. Of grēnum āre ge-worht, Bl. H. 127, 7. Beág of þornum geworht, Cri. 1446. Of, mid feówerfealdum cynne geworhte (statuam) ouaterno (metallorum) genere fabrefactam, i. formatam. An. Ox. 1544. Mon hǣt Corrinthisce fatu ealle þe þǣr of geworhte wǣron, Ors. 5, 2 ; S. 216, 4. (b) to form from material, prepare from ingredients :-- Weolocas of þām bid geweorht (-worhgt, ) se weolocreáda tælhg cocleae, guibus tinctura coccinei coloris conficitur, Bd. I. l; Sch. 8, 21. Þós smerenes wæs geworht of ehtatēne cynna wyrtum, Bl. H. 73, 20. ¶ of the operation of the Deity :-- God Ælmihtig ūs ealle geworhte, Ll. Th. i. 370, 27. Geweorhte, Ps. L. 94, 6. Dryhten ūs of dūlste geworhte, Sal. 336. Þīne handa mē geworhtan and geheówodan, Bl. H. 87, 32. Adam wæs of eordan geworht, Gen. 365. (c) to build, construct :-- Þæs wyrhtan þe hié (a church] his hand geworhte, Bl. H. 205, 12. Hié weófod wlitelīce geworhtan and gegyredon, 6. Þæt hié him tō mǣrde burh geworhte, Gen. 1666. Tempel mǣst þāra þe manna bearn folmum geworhte, Exod. 396. Hlǣw gewyrcean, B. 2802. Gewyrcean tor of treówum and of mycclum beámum, Bl. H. 187, 12. Agger eordbyre vel geworht strǣt strata vel delapidata, Wrt. Voc. i. 37, 33. (c a) of building for defence :-- Ge-wrohte hē weall mid turfum (cf. uallum, quo ad repellendam uim hostium castra muniuntur, fit de cespitibus, Bd. I. 5), Chr. 189 ; P. 9, 28. Hē geworhte þā burga on ǣgþere healfe eás, 918; P. 100, 5. Hē casteles gewrohte, 1086; P. 220, 23. Hē hēt gewyrcan þā burg and gesettan and gemannian, 923 ; P. 104, 7. (d) to work on material, make a mark on, a hole in :-- Nǣfre man þǣre moldan tō þæs feale ne nimeþ, ꝥ mon ǣfre þurh ꝥ mæge ā þȳ māran dǣl on þǣm stōplum gewercean (make a larger cavity in the foot-prints). Bl. H. 127, 18. (2) the get by working">to action. (l) the object a person">subject a thing, (a) a plant, to produce by natural growth, make (as in to make wood) :-- Ēghwelc treó gōd wǣstmas gōda gewyrces (bereþ l wyrceþ, R., facit). . . . Ne mæg trēuo gōd wæstmas yfle gewyrca (beoran l wyrcende, R., facere), ne trē yfle gōda wæstma gewyrce (beoran, R.), Mt. L. 7, 17, 18. (b) the constituent parts of a whole :-- Twēgen minuta and healf gewyrcad ānne prican, feówer prica gewyrcead āne tīd, Angl. viii. 318, 45. Þāra lima gecynd is ꝥ hī gewercad ǣnne līchoman. Bt. 34, 6 ; S. 87, 24. III. of mental work that finds expression in words, to make a book, poem, a law, stipulation :-- Hē godspell Ebriscum stafum geworhte evangelium Hebraici litteris edidit, Mt. p. 2, 8 : 8, 8. Be dām ymene þe wē be hire geworhton, Bd. 4, 19 ; Sch. 439, 15. Þā ǣþe heora aldoras ǣr ge-worhton, Ll. Th. i. 26, 6. Nīwe werc gewyrce of alde novum opus facere ex veteri, Mt. p. I. I, Fæstnunga from lārwum geworht monuments ab auctoribus edita, 7, 5. Gelǣstan eall þet hī on forewarde hæfdon ǣr ge-wroht to carry out all the stipulations previously made in the agreement, Chr. 1094; P. 228, 34. IV. where a person is brought to a (mental) condition by the efforts of another, to make a convert, friend, &c. :-- Gē ymbhurfon sǣ and drȳgi ꝥ gié gedóe ēnne . . . ; and mid dȳ bid geworht circuitis mare et aridam ut faciatis unum proselytum; et cum fuerit factus, Mt. L. 23, 15. His geworhtne wine the man he had made his friend, Seef. 115. V. of mental or moral constitution, to dispose, constitute :-- Yrtacus, yfele geworht man, Hml. Th. ii. 476, 18. Ne geseah hine nān man . . . mislīce geworhtne (of variable disposition), ac on ānre ānrǣdnysse ǣfre wunigende, Hml. S. 31, 307. Men bód geworhte wōlīce him betwȳnan, Hml. S. 13, 295. Æfter him rīxodon manega cyningas mislīce geworhte, 18, 38 : 386. Icþā leóde wāt ge wid feónd ge wid freónd fæste geworhte (steadfastly minded towards foe or friend), B. 1864. VI. to do, make, cause an effect by effort, bring about a result :-- Gielde hē swā wer swā wunde swā hē gewyrce he must pay for death or wound according to the result of his act, Ll. Th. i. 90, 20. (l) with noun as object :-- Gif hē losuest his gewyrcad si detrimentum sui facial, Lk. L. 9, 25. Sē þe þone hearm geworhte, Ll. Th. i. 418, 9. Hē mæg ondrǣdan dæt hē for his ǣgnum scyldum māre ierre gewyrce, Past. 63, II. THORN;ī lǣs unholdan wunde gewyrcen, Cri. 763. ꝥ þā cyningas heom betweónan seht geworhtan, Chr. 1016 ; P. 152, 24. Ende gewyrcan, Leás. 47. Ne mihton hī āwiht æt mē ǣfre gewyrcean, Ps. Th. 128, I. (2) the object a clause :-- ꝥ hiá sē gewyrces suno Goddes esse facit filios Dei, Jn. p. 3, 3. Gif hē gewyrce ꝥ hine man āfylle, Ll. Th. i. 170, II : 404, 12. (3) with pronoun in apposition to clause :-- Hū geworhte ic þæt, . . . þæt ic þē ongitan ne meahte?, An. 922. VII. to do a deed, perform an action, commit a crime, an offence, perpetrate. (l) absolute :-- Bēma singan swā lēgeras gewyrcas (faciunt), Mt. L. 6, 2. Swā hī geworhtan, Cri. 1234. Gewyrca operari, Jn. L. 9, 4. (2) with object :-- Ic feóndrǣs gefremede, fǣhde geworhte, Gen. 900 : B. 1577. Hē bēcena geworhte (dyde, W. S.), Jn. L. R. 12, 37 : Bl. H. 219, 3. Hē manslyht geworhte, Mk. 15, 7. Sē þe ꝥ weorc geworhte, Ll. Th. i. 418, 13. Habban leán þæs þe wē on līfe geworhtan, 370, 21. Ða-long; scylda de hié wid hiene geworhton, Past. 343, 18. Gif hē mānweorc gewyrce. Ll. Th. i. 400, 14 : 404, 16 : 312, 8: 204, 8: 80, 20: 230, 10. ꝥte ic geuyrco uoerca his operari opera eius, Jn. L. 9, 4. ꝥte wē giwyrce werc Godes, Jn. R. L. 6, 28. Hié woldon þæt hié on elþeódigum ǣt geworhton they meant to make a meal on the strangers, An. 1075. Ic mæg mid handum fela wundra gewyrcean, Gen. 280. Mæht salde him dōm gewyrca (ꝥ hē mōste dēman, W. S.), Jn. L. R. 5, 27. Hrēunisse gewyrce penitentiam agere, Mt. p. 14, 7. Siþþan wē hit hātaþ wyrd, syddan hit geworht biþ, Bt. 39, 6; F. 220, 10. Culpan womma ge-worhtra, Cri. 179. Þā geworhtan synna andettan, Bl. H. 25, 18. ¶ the get by working">to action. (l) the object a person">subject an animal :-- Gif se hund mā misdǣda gewyrce, Ll. Th. i. 781 6. VIII. to do what is desired or bidden, execute an order :-- Ic þæt hogode, þæt ic eówra leóda willan geworhte, B. 635. Ūres hlāfordes wurdscipe rǣran and his willan gewyrcan, Ll. Th. i. 370, 9. Uillo his geuyrca (dōn, W. S.) uoluntatem ejus facere, Jn. L. 7, 17: Hy. 3, 52. IX. to celebrate a festival :-- Doeg de symbel mid dȳ ge-worht wæs, Jn. L. 7, 14. X. get by working">to a condition">to bring to a condition, cause to assume a character, get by working">to">turn to, get by working">to action. (l) the object a person">subject to action. (l) the object a person :-- Ic gewirce eów tō wǣdian visitabo vos in egestate Lev. 26, 16. Hē geworhte his gefēran tō wealdgengum, Ælfc. T. Grn. 17, 31. ꝥte gi-worhte hine tō cynige (tō cynge dōn, W. S.) ut facerent get by working">to">turn regem, Jn. R. L. 6, 15. Mid dȳ tō cyninge hine uallad dōa l gewyrca cum regem eum uellent facere, Jn. p. 4, 15. Hē wæs tō manegum wītum geworht cum virum suppliciis se tyrannus adacturum putaret, Bt. 16, 2 ; F. 52, 20. (2) the object a thing :-- Hē geworhte þās bōc tō leóþe he made a metrical version of this boot, Bt. proem. ; F. viii. 9. Wēsten hē ge-worhte on wīdne mere, Ps. Th. 106, 34. Tō ānum geworhta made into one; ad unum congestos, Mt. p. 10, 15. XI. with complementary words, noun or adj., to make an object so and so. (l) to form an object with certain characteristics :-- His Scyppend hine swilcne geworhte, Angl. vii. 22, 209. Þū þæt fær gewyrc fīftiges wīd elngemeta, Gen. 1307. Ic þē swā sciénne gesceapen hæfde, wynlicne geworht, Cri. 1388. Ǣnne UNCERTAIN hæfde hē swā swīdne geworhtne, Gen. 252. Deádra manna byrgenna biód oft swīde wlitige geworhte, Past. 449, 7. (2) get by working">to become so and so">to cause an object to become so and so, get by working">to have certain characteristics">to change so as to have certain characteristics :-- Hāl hē gewyrcas folc his from synna hiora, Mt. L. l, 21. Gié geworhton hiá cofa ðeáfana, Mk. L. R. II, 17. Nallad gē giwærcan (g[e]wyrce, L.) hūs fædres mīnes hūs cēpinge, Jn. R. 2, 16. Ne mæhtū ēnne hēr huīt genirce l blæc, Mt. L. R. 5, 36. Sāuel his hāl gewyrca, Lk. L. 9, 24. Þū hæfst þē wid Drihten dȳrne geworhtne, Gen. 507. XII. toget by working, deserve :-- Se gāst nimed æt Gode swā wīte swā wuldor swā him on worulde þæt eordfæt ǣr geworhte the Spirit receives from God fain or paradise according to what the body has earned for it by its deeds on earth, Seel. 8. (l) with noun object, to deserve good or ill, to incur a penalty :-- Beó se cyng ǣlces þǣra wīta wyrde þe þā men ge-wyrcen the king shall be entitled to every one of the penalties that those men incur by their acts, Ll. Th. i. 282, 17. Nū hæbbe ic þīne hyldo geworhte and þīnne willan gelǣst, Gen. 727 : 505. (2) with clause :-- Sceal gleāw guma gōde gewircean . . . þæt hine on ylde gewunigen wil-gesīdas, B. 20. Earm bid sē þe wile firenum gewyrcan, þæt hē fāh scyle from his Scyppende āscyred weordan, Cri. 1617. Hē forsōc þone triumphan . . . and sǣde þæt hié hæfden bet gewyrht þæt him mon mid heáfe ongeán cōme þonne mid triuruphan triumphum suscipere recusavit, quia tantis detrimentis luctus potius debebatur, Ors. 2, 4; S. 70, 20. (3) with pronoun representing a clause :-- Ūs ongeán cymad þūsend engla, gif wē þider mōton and þæt on eordan ǣr gewyrcad. Sat. 303. (4) with infin. (?), to succeed in doing :-- Þæct hē gewyrce, ǣr hē on weg scyle, fremman on foldan wid feónda nīd, Scef. 74. [Goth. ga-waurkjan: O. H. Ger. ge-wurchen, -wirchen : O. Sax. gi-wirkian.] v. un-geworht. ge-wyrcan