Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - geard
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- m. An inclosure, inclosed place, YARD, GARDEN, court, dwelling, home, region, land; septum, lŏcus septus, hortus, ārea, habĭtācŭlum, domĭcĭlium, rĕgio :-- Se Godes cwide is weorþmynda geard the word of God is the garden of worship, Salm. Kmbl. 168; Sal. 83. On gearde deáþes sceade in rĕgiōne umbræ mortis, Mt. Bos. 4, 16. Ðæt ǽlc cóme to his ágenum gearde that each should come to his own land, Ors. 5, 14; Bos. 114, 18. On geard at home, Menol. Fox 215; Men. 109. In écne geard into the eternal home, Exon. 44 a; Th. 149, 17; Gú. 763 : 51 a; Th. 178, 8; Gú. 1241. Geard ymbtynde sepem circumdedit, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 21, 33. Bráde synd on worulde gréne geardas in the world are broad green regions, Cd. 25; Th. 32, 30; Gen. 511. Ǽr he on weg hwurfe of geardum ere he went away from his courts, Beo. Th. 535; B. 265 : Exon. 64 a; Th. 236, 23; Ph. 578. In geardum at home, Exon. 10 b; Th. 13, 11; Cri. 201 : 50 b; Th. 175, 13; Gú. 1194 : 61 a; Th. 223, 5; Ph. 355 : Beo. Th. 25; B. 13. Wit forléton on heofonríce gódlíce geardas we two have lost in the heavenly kingdom goodly courts, Cd. 35; Th. 46, 6; Gen. 740 : Beo. Th. 2272; B. 1134. On Fæder geardas in the dwellings of the Father, Salm. Kmbl. 832; Sal. 415 : Exon. 105 b; Th. 401, 7; Rä. 21, 8. [Wyc. ȝerd a field, garden : Piers P. yerd habitation : Chauc. yerde : O. Sax. gard, m : O. Frs. garda, m : Dut. Kil. gærde, gærd hortus : Ger. garten, m : M. H. Ger. garte, m : O. H. Ger. garto, gart, m. hortus, dŏmus : Goth. gards, m. house : Dan. gaard, m. f : Swed. gård, m : Icel. garðr, m : Lat. hortus, m : Grk. χόρτos, m. an inclosed place, feeding-place : Slav. grad, gorod a fence.] DER. eador-geard, eard-, fæder-, friþ-, leód-, middan-, ort-, wín-, wyrm-, wyrt-. geard