Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - gearwe
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- gearwe
- ad geare, geara, gearo in Dict., and add: I. with verbs of knowing, well, certainly, clearly :-- Geare (gere, v. l.) witan. Past. 190, 11. Swíþe geare, Bt. 14, 2; F. 44, 8. Genóg geare, Bl. H. 175, 30. Wé þæs geléfað and geare witan ꝥ ..., 13, 22. Gere (cf. swutolor witan, 11), Past. 429, 9. Hé geare nyste hwǽr ..., El. 719. Ne ful geare wiste, 860. Geara, Guth. 70, 4: Bt. 35, 6; F. 170, 8. Ne wéne ic his, ac wát geara (geare, v. l.), 38, 6; F. 208, 14. Geare cunnan, Wand. 69: B. 2070; El. 167. Gearwe cunnan, Wand. 71. Gearor witan, Past. 429, 19: Bl. H. 13, 21. Gearwor, Nar. 33, 3. Gearwor, Gr. D. 203, 24. Gearor ongitan, Bl. H. 129, 9. Þone cúþon manige úrra cúðra freónda and eallra gearost seó hálige fǽmne quem nostrorum multi noverunt, et maxime sacra virgo, Gr. D. 199, 11. I a. with verbs of observation, well :-- Fóre míne and míne gangas þú gearwe átreddest (investigasti), and ealle míne wegas wel foresáwe, Ps. Th. 138, 2. Geara ic sceáwade considerabam, 141, 4. II. readily, willingly, eagerly :-- Geare andettan, Ps. Th. 146, 7. Geara, 53, 6: 91, Ic on ðé geare hycge sperabo in te, 90, 2. Þonne wé his geara éhtan, 70, 10. III. with ready goodwill. Cf. gearo; VI :-- Wesað gé fram Gode geara gebletsade may you have his ready blessing, Ps. Th. 113, 23. IV. readily, promptly. Cf. gearo; IV :-- Þú mé eart geara andfencgea, Ps. Th. 58, 9, 18. Þú mé wǽre geara trymmend, 70, 3. V. marking thoroughness, completeness of an action. Cf. gearo; VIII :-- Stréle beóð scearpe ... syððan of glédon wesað gearwe áhyrded, Ps. Th. 119, 4. Hafa gebrocen glæs geara gegrunden, Lch. ii. 144, 16. Hí Iacób geara ǽtan comederunt Jacob, Ps. Th. 78, 7. Þeós eorðe sceal eall ábifigan, ... geara forhtigan (be thoroughly terrified), 113, 7. VI. at hand, within reach, near. Cf. gearo; IX :-- Bið ús Godes milts þe gearwur, Ll. Th. i. 424, 23. VII. readily, without difficulty or delay :-- Sé ðe him tó ðám hálgan helpe gelífeð, tó Gode gióce, hé þǽr gearo findeð, Vald. 2, 28. Heó gearwe (but see gearo; VI) funde mundbyrd æt ðám mǽran þeódne. Jud. 2. gearwe