Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - géna
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- géna
- ad :-- Ðafodest ðú géna ðæt me þeówmennen drehte thou hast still permitted the slave-woman to vex me, Cd. 102; Th. 135, 21; Gen. 2246. Næbbe ic synne wiþ hie gefremed géna I have not committed sin against her yet, 125; Th. 160, 17; Gen. 2651. Nú géna still at the present time, Exon. 34 b: Th. 111, 13; Gú. 126. Ic eom géna swétran I am yet sweeter, 111 a; Th. 425, 19; Rä, 41, 58. Ic wille ðé ánre nú géna béne biddan I will of thee one more boon require, Andr. Kmbl. 950; An. 475. Mycel is nú géna lád ofer lagustreám great is now still our voyage over the lake-stream, 844; An. 422. Cwico wæs ðá géna was still living, Beo. Th. 6178; B. 3093. v. gén, geóna. gena