
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - god

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

m. and god; n. Take these together, and add: I. of a heathen god:--Heá gotho manes, Archiv 85, 310, 15; An. Ox. 53, 15. Þǽra hǽðenra godas synd gramlice deófla, Hml. S. 14, 18. In god in divos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 93, 57. Ic swerige ðurh ealle godas and gydena, Hml. Th. i. 426, 7. Gé habbað manega godas, Hml. S. 4, 134. I a. with a defining addition:--Wínes god Bachus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 93, 42. Fýres god U[u]lcanus, 95, 6. II. on image which is worshipped, idol:--Eówer godas synd ágotene oððe ágrafene, Hml. S. 4, 136. Þíne godas syndon gyldene and sylfrene . . . manna handgeweorc, 14, 20. 'Geoftra ðíne lác úrum gudum . . . .' 'Ðú cwyst þæt ic mé gebiddan sceole tó dumbum stánum, ðá ðe sind ágrafene ðurh manna handa,' Hml. Th. i. 422, 35. III. of a person having godlike attributes:--Ǽlc gesǽlig mon biþ god omnis beatus deus, Bt. 34, 5; F. 140, 2: 35, 5; F. 164, 23. Ic gesette þé Pharaone tó gode, Ex. 7, 1. Ic sǽde gé synt godas (goddo, L., godo, R.), Jn. 10, 34. IV. in the Christian, monotheistic sense, God. (1) as a proper name:--On anginne gesceóp God heofenan and eorðan, Gen. 1, 1. Goddes Dei, Rtl. 109, 11: Mk. L. 9, 1: Jn. p. 3, 4. (1 a) with epithet:--Se Ælmihtiga God hí áhredde, Chr. 1016; P. 150, 13. Þone écan mildan God, Cht. E. 231, 8. (2) where the triune character of the Deity is marked. (a) of the first person of the Trinity:--Drihten God, Fæder Crístes, Hml. Th. i. 426, 24. God . . . Fæder Ælmihtig, Cri. 319. Críst þæs lifgendan Godes Sunu, Bl. H. 11, 30. (b) of the second person:--Hǽlend Críst, God of Gode, Hml. Th. i. 426, 2. God tó ús niþer ástáhg, Bl. H. 17, 29. Hié God sylfne áhéngon, El. 209. (c) where the three persons are given:--Se Ælmihtiga Fæder is God, and his Sunu is Ælmihtig God, and se Hálga Gást is Ælmihtig God; ná ðrý Godas, ac hí ealle án Ælmihtig God untódǽledlic, Hml. Th. i. 248, 6-9. (3) where the genitive is used with a noun as an intensive:--Þonne is ꝥ Godes riht ꝥ hé beó clǽne it is the most perfect justice, that he be clear, Ll. Th. i. 418, 12. V. a Being such as is understood by the proper name God, God according to some particular conception or in regard to some special attribute or relation:--Ic eom Abrahames God, and Isaaces God, and Iacóbes God. Nys God ná deádra, ac lybbendra, Mt. 22, 32. Se góda God, Bt. 36, 1; F. 172, 5. Se ána sóða God . . . sé án is sóð God þe ealle ðing gescóp, Wlfst. 105, 27-31. Þone God ic eów bodige þone ðe gé hátad uncúðne . . . hé sitt on his Fæder swíðran hand sóð God and sóð man, Hml. S. 29, 37-42. Tó Abrahames Gode, Ps. Th. 46, 9. Hig gesáwon Israhéla God, Ex. 24, 10. VI. in special forms of speech. (1) where a strong wish is expressed:--God him geunne ꝥ . . ., Chr. 959; P. 115, 14. God eów gehealde, Ll. Lbmn. 486, 14. Áwende hine God Ælmihtig hrædlice of þisan lǽnan lífe intó helle wíte, C. D. iVII. in language concerned with church matters. (1) of spiritual things:--Wé habbað áne gástlice módor, seó is Ecclesia genamod, ꝥ is Godes cirice, Ll. Th. i. 336, 8. Biscopas syndon Godes lage (the doctrines of Christianity) láreówas, 332, 27. Hé Godes lage smeáde, Chr. 963; P. 115, 4. Godes lof rǽran to promote the Christian religion, 5: Cht. E. 229, 25. (2) of ecclesiastical procedure, arrangement, constitution:--Þá hálgan hádas þe Godes folc (the Christian laity) lǽran scylan, Ll. Th. i. 244, 9. Þridda dǽl þáre teóðunge þe tó circan gebyrige gá . . . Godes þearfum (the needy to whom church-alms are given), 342, 9. From ǽlcum Godes dǽle áworpene cast out from church-communion,246, 15. Mid Godes bletsunge with the blessing pronounced by the priest, 256, 7. Muneca gehwylc . . . geþence word and wedd þe hé Gode betǽhte, 306, 5. Gyf gehádod man gefeohte . . . for Gode béte swá canon tǽce, 168, 6. ¶ Godes þeów a cleric:--Ealle Godes þeówas . . . and húru þinga sácerdas, Ll. Th. i. 364, 10. Gif se Godes þeów nelle þǽre cyrican on riht þeówian, ꝥ hé þonne mid lǽwedum monnum onfó þeówdómes, Bl. H. 49, 3: C. D. i. 293, 33: Past. 5, 11. (3) of ecclesiastical property or dues:--Godes feós ðeófð sacrilegium, Wrt. Voc. i. 21, 31. Godes feoh and ciricean, Ll. Th. i. 2, 4. Godes gafel lǽstan, 350, 8. Þæs neádgafoles þe crístene men Gode gelǽstan scoldon, 270, 14. (4) of churches:--Be ciricena gebétunge. Ꝥ ǽlc biscop béte Godes hús . . . and eác þone cyning myngige ꝥ ealle Godes cyrcan sýn wel behworfene, Ll. Th. i. 246, 9-12. Hí Godes hús griðedan, 334, 24. Hé eóde intó Godes (Goddes, L.) hús in domum Dei intrauit, Lk. 6, 4. (5) where ecclesiastical and secular are contrasted:--For Gode and for worulde, Chr. 959; P. 115, 7: Ll. Th. i. 168, 17. Wið God and wið men, 306, 7: 314, 26. v. heáh-, hel-, wealdend-god; cof-, deáþ-, gedwol-godas; úp-godu. god

Parole correlate: 87, 10. (2) where dependence on, or gratitude to, the Deity is expressed:--Mid Godes gæfe, C. D. i. 292, 21: 299, 12. Gode Ælmihtigum sié ðonc ðætte . . ., Past. 3, 18. Swǽ gelǽrede biscepas swǽ nú, Gode ðonc, siendon, 9, 4. Næfde se here, Godes þonces, Angelcyn ealles for swíðe gebrocod, Chr. 897; P. 89, 30. (3) where there is pious intention, conduct influenced by religion:--Ǽghwæt þæs þe him ǽnig mon for Godes noman geselle, Ll. Th. i. 92, 11. Þæt hé his freónd ná for middangearde, ac for Gode lufige, Hml. Th. i. 584, 7. Seó is sóð lufu, þæt gehwá his freónd lufie on Gode, and his feónd for Gode, 528, 32. (4) in earnest appeal, affirmation or exhortation:--Ic bebióde on Godes naman ðæt . . ., Past. 9, 2. Ic eów bidde on Godes naman . . . ꝥ . . ., Ll. Th. i. 194, 4. Wé biddað and on Godes naman beódað ꝥ . . ., 364, 21. On Godes Ælmihtiges naman, Cht. E. 231, 11: Ll. Th. i. 180, 22: 182, 6. Nú hálsige ic ðé þurh God þ . . ., Hml. Th. i. 426, 31. Gif hwelc mon hine on Godes naman geandette, Ll. Th. i. 64, 21.
