Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - godcundnys
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- godcundnys
- Add: I. the quality of being divine. (1) in a general sense :-- Hú ne hæfdon wé ǽr gereaht ꝥ ðá gesǽlþa and sió godcundnes án wǽre? ... swá wé cweðað ꝥ ꝥ sié God þe þá godcundnesse hæfð and ðá gesǽlða, and ǽlc gesǽlig bið God beatitudo uero est ipsa divinitas ... divinitatem adeptos, Deos fieri necesse est. Omnis igitur beatus, Deus, Bt. 34, 5; S. 85, 27-86, 1. (2) of the persons of the Trinity :-- His godcundnyss wæs on þǽre menniscnysse tó ánum sóðan Críste ... ǽfre unbegunnen on ðǽre godcundnysse, Hml. A. 25, 23. Ðeós is seó hálige þrynnys ... on ánre godcundnysse ǽfre wunigende, on ánum mægenþrymme and on ánum gecynde, 2, 24: 26, 56: 59, 199. Arrius wolde wanian Crístes godcundnysse, 198: 152, 17: 155, 84, II. a divine being :-- Hit is gecynd ðǽre godcundnesse ꝥ hió mæg beón ungemenged wið óþre gesceafta búton óþerra gesceafta fultume, swá swá nán óþer gesceaft ne mæg, ne mæg nán óþer gesceaft be him selfum bión ea est divinae forma substantiae, ut neque in externa dilabatur, nec in se externum aliquid ipsa suscipiat, Bt. 35, 5; F. 166, 4-7. Mé þincþ ꝥ þú hwerfest ymbúton sume wunderlice sprǽce ymbe þá ánfealdnesse þáre godcundnesse an mirabilem quendam divinae simplicitatis orbem complicas?, F. 164, 18. Be þám dǽle þe sió mennisce gesceádwísnes mæg ongitan ðá godcundnesse, 39, 10; F. 226, 28. III. divine service :-- Ic wille ðet ðá híwan á hwílæ ðǽ crístendóm sié fullícæ mid hira godcundnessæ for mé sién uolo ut familia ... quamdiu christianitas permanserit sint illi met intercessores ad Dominum, C. D. III a. a pious offering :-- Gif hwá ꝥ fæsten áberan ne mæg ðe his scrift him tǽcð, him ys álýfed ꝥ hé mót his fæsten álýsan mid godcundnysse and mid his worldǽhton (pieiate et mundanis suis possessionibus); ꝥ is þonne, gif hé byð welig, sylle for .xii. mónða fæstene xxx scillinga, Ll. Th. ii. 220, 27. IV. a quality that is consonant with Deity, a godlike quality :-- Ðeós wyrt hæfð sume wundorlice godcundnesse, ꝥ is þonne ꝥ hyre blósman hý æfter þǽre sunnan ryne wendað, Lch. i. 152, 24. godcundnys