Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - grípan
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
ic grípe, ðú grípest, grípst, he grípeþ, gripþ,
- grípan
- pl. grípeþ; p. gráp, pl. gripon; pp. gripen; GRIPE, grasp, seize, lay hold of, apprehend; capĕre, rapĕre, prehendĕre, apprehendere :-- Ic on Lothe gefrægn hǽþne heremæcgas handum grípan I heard that the heathen leaders seized on Lot with their hands, Cd. 114; Th. 149, 32; Gen. 2483: 219; Th. 281, 9; Sat. 269. Óþ ðæt ðé heortan grípeþ ádl unlíðe until severe disease gripeth thee at heart, Cd. 43; Th. 57, 31; Gen. 936: Exon. 107 a; Th. 407, 19; Rä. 26, 7. Hwílum flotan grípaþ sometimes they seize the sailor, Salm. Kmbl. 304; Sal. 151. Grípaþ láre apprehendite disciplinam, Ps. Spl. 2, 12. Gráp on wráðe laid hands on his enemies, Cd. 4; Th. 4, 30; Gen. 61: 69; Th. 83, 18; Gen. 1381: 95; Th. 125, 1; Gen. 2072: 119; Th. 153, 28; Gen. 2545: Beo. Th. 3006; B. 1501: Exon. 129 a; Th. 495, 8; Rä. 84, 4. Ðú ðe samod mid me swéte gripe metas qui simul mecum dulces capiebas cibos, Ps. Spl. 54, 15: Cd. 42; Th. 55, 8; Gen. 891. Scearpe gáras gripon the sharp arrows griped, Cd. 95; Th. 124, 16; Gen. 2063. Swá swá leó hreáfiende oððe grípende oððe gyrretynde and grymetende sicut leo rapiens et rugiens, Ps. Lamb. 21, 14: Blickl. Homl. 211, 1. [Goth. greipan: O. Sax. grípan: O. Frs. Icel. grípa: O. H. Ger. grífan.] DER. be-, for-, ge-, to-ge-, óþ-, wið-grípan. gripan