Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - heáh
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- adj. HIGH, tall, lofty, sublime, haughty :-- Heáh on bodige statura sublimis, Bd. 3, 14; S. 540, 7. Gyldenu onlícnes twelf elna heáh a golden image twelve ells high, Shrn. 88, 23. Se beám geweóx heáh the tree grew high, Cd. 202 ; Th. 251, 15; Dan. 564. Hwæt elles getácnaþ se heá torr búton ðone heáh foreþonc and ða gesceádwísnesse ðara gódena manna what else does the high tower signify but the lofty forethought and the sagacity of good men, Past. 56; Swt. 433, 24. Sió heá lár lofty doctrine, 63; Past. 459, 8. Seó heáge dún the high mountain, Homl. Th. ii. 384, 29. Heáh heofoncyning heaven's high king, Cd. 23; Th. 30, 7; Gen. 463. Hé on hrófe gestód heán landes he on the summit stood of the high land, 140: Th. 175, 21; Gen. 2898. Hie be hliðe heáre dúne eorþscræf fundon they found a cavern by the side of a lofty hill, 122; Th. 156, 26; Gen. 2594. Se deófol gesette hine uppan ðam scylfe ðæs heágan temples the devil placed him upon the summit of the lofty temple, Homl. Th. i. 166, 18. Seó eádignes ðæs heán heáhengles tíd the blessedness of the festival of the great archangel, Blickl. Homl. 197, 4, 24. From stæþe heáum from the high shore, Exon. 106 a; Th. 405, 6; Rä. 23, 19. Uppan ánre swíðe heáhre dúne upon a very high mountain, Homl. Th. i. 166, 23. Unriht on heán húse ácwǽdon iniquitatem in excelso locuti sunt, Ps. Th. 72, 6. On heágum in excelso, 9. Hóf ic míne eágan tó ðam heán beorge levavi oculos meos in montes, 120, 1. Fram ðam heágan cederbeáme from the tall cedar, Homl. Th. ii. 578, 4. Hát ðú mé ánne heáhne tor getimbrian order a high tower to be built for me, Blickl. Homl. 183, 3. Hé ásette míne fét on swíðe heánne stán, ðæt ys on swýðe heáh setl statuit super petram pedes meos, Ps. Th. 39, 2. Ofer heáne hróf heofones ðisses beyond the lofty roof of the sky, Bt. Met. Fox 24, 5; Met. 24, 3. Ðone heán heofon high heaven, Cd. 35; Th. 45, 33; Gen. 736. Se ðe gebígde ðone heágan heofonlícan bígels he who bowed the lofty vault of heaven, Homl. Th. i. 170, 23: H. R. 103, 1. Ofer heáh wæter over deep water, Cd. 72; Th. 87, 19; Gen. 1451. Engel drihtnes lét his hand cuman in ðæt heá seld the angel of the Lord brought his hand into that lofty hall, 210; Th. 261, 7; Dan. 722. Wǽron ófras heá streámas stronge the shores were high, the streams, strong, Exon. 106 a; Th. 404, 14; Rä. 23, 7. Wé ceorfaþ heáh treówu on holte altum silvæ lignum succidimus, Past. 58, 6; Swt. 443, 36. Wesan heá mihte handa ðíne áhafen ofer hæleþas may the excellent powers of thy hand be exalted over men, Ps. Th. 88, 12. Heágum þrymmum in excellent majesty, Cd. 1; Th. 1, 16; Gen. 8. Hýð heáum ceólum a haven for the tall ships, Bt. Met. Fox 21, 22; Met. 21, 11. On heán muntum heortas wuniaþ montes excelsi domus cervis, Ps. Th. 103, 17. Ná geþafian ðæt se heárra derige ðam heánran not to permit the higher to hurt the lower, L. I. P. 7; Th. ii. 314, 1. Stól heáhran, heárran a loftier throne, Cd. 15; Th. 18, 16, 26; Gen. 274, 282. Hérra, Exon. 56 a; Th. 199, 20; Ph. 28. Tó hiéran háde to a higher rank, Past. pref. Swt. 7, 15: Chr. 897; Erl. 95, 14. Se mægþ-hád is hírra ðonne se gesinscipe præeminere virginitatem conjugio, Past. 52, 8; Swt. 409, 23. Wearþ him hýrra hyge he had a haughtier mind, Cd. 198; Th. 247, 2; Dan. 491. Hýrre ic eom heofone higher am I than heaven, Exon. 110 b; Th. 424, 12; Rä. 41, 38. Cwæþ ðæt his hergas hýrran wǽron ðonne israela éce drihten said that his gods were superior to the everlasting lord of Israel, Cd. 210; Th. 262, 26; Dan. 715. Ðéh ðe hí selfe wilnien ðæs heáhstan etsi summa appetunt, Past. 16, 4; Swt. 103,16: Ps. Th. 112, 4. Se geworden is hwommona heágost hic factus est in caput anguli, 117, 21. Ðæs héhstan heofonríces, 90, 1. Seó is ealra dúna mǽst and hígest mons maximus et altissimus, Nar, 37, 32. Se hýhsta ealra cyninga cyning the most high king of all kings, Exon. 32 b; Th. 103, 1; Cri. 1682. Goth. hauhs: O. Sax. hóh: O. Frs. hách, hág: Icel. hár: O. H. Ger. hóh altus, excelsus, celsus, excellens, sublimis: Ger. hoch.] heah-,heah