Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - húru
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- húru
- Add: , híru, hýru. I. qualifying measurements, at least, about :-- Wé wið þám wyrmum wunnan húru twá tída þǽre nihte (prope duas horas), Nar. 13, 27. Húru ferme (centies exorans ferme), An. Ox. 17, 38. Húru embe seofon niht, Bl. H. 45, 31. Hé ðone miclan flód bodade húru hundtwelftigum wintrum, Wlfst. 206, 7 : Gen. 2343. Gearwige hé hine tó húselgange húru þriwa on geáre, Ll. Th. i. 322, 8. Ðæt hyra ǽgðer hýru hæbbe . LX. penega wyrð, C. D. vi. 133, 23. See other instances under hú-hwega. I a. where a limiting date is fixed, at latest, at last :-- Utan gelǽstan ǽlce geáre úre sulhælmessan fífténe niht onufan Eástran . . . and úre eorðwæstma be emnihte oððe húru (cf. latest, 208, 5) be ealra hálgena mæssan, Wlfst. 116, 3. Sulhælmessan húru . xut uel sero conuertantur, Scint. 63, 6. II. introducing a limiting or determining condition, at least, at any rate :-- Ðá sint tó manienne ðe hiera líchoman synna onfunden habbað, ðæt hié húru æfter ðǽm scipgebroce him ðá sǽondrǽden (ut mare saltern post naufragium metuant), Past. 403, 12. Ondrǽden ut him húru ðonne hí hí hrímað, 437, 11: 313, 8. þá bǽdon hine his discipulos ꝥ hié móstan húru sume uncýme streównesse him under gedón, Bl. H. 227, 12 : Ll. Th. i. 356, 21. Bútan gé hit on Léden geleornian magan, geleorniað hit húru on Englisc, Wlfst. 125, 7. Wé beódað ꝥ man crístene men for ealles tó lytlum húru tó deáðe ne forrǽde, Ll. Th. i. 376, 21. III. where an extreme point is considered, even: -- Gif hé his unrihtwísnysse húrn on his forðsíðe behreówsað, Hml. Th. ii. 344, 34. Húru gif hé cwǽde þæt hé nǽre sumum óðrum mannum gelíc, ac hé cwæð, 'Ic ne com swilce swá óðre men,' 428, 21. Hé on his ágenum fæder áre ne wolde gesceáwian, ne þá sceonde húru hleómágum helan, Gen. 1581. IV. introducing the most essential or considerable circumstance, above all, especially :-- Bæþ . . . hálum and húru (maxime) þám geongum sý seldor getíðod, R. I en. 60, 23: Past. 25, 21: 361, 7. For ðý ðe hé ongeat ðæt sió ungeðyld oft dereð ðǽm mannum ðe micle forhæfdnesse habbað, ðá lǽrde hé ð æt hié húru sceoldan geðylde habban tóeácan ðǽre forhæfdnesse, 311, 22, 19 : Bl. H. 47, 19. Ic wylle cýðan eów eallum and þám húru þe hit ǽr nystan, Wlfst. 153, 7 : B. 3120. Wolde his mæg húru álynnan of láðscipe, Gen. 2047 : Bl. H. 225, 8. Húru secgan hét Simon Petre (cf. Go, tell his disciples and Peter, Mk. 16, 7), Sat. 523. Wé ealles sculon secgan þone . . . and húru þǽre hǽlo, Cri. 613. Gebéte ꝥ. . .swá be were swá be wíte . . . and for Gode húru béte swá canon tǽce, Ll. Th. i. 168, 6: 402, 14: 340, 19 : ii. 292, 2: 302, 7: Solil. H. 2, 17 : 30, 11. Ǽfre hé mæig findan on ðám hé mæig nyt beón . . . húru is mǽst neód . . . , Angl. ix. 261, 3. Hit is earfoð tó witane þára biscopa (naman ?) þe cómon, and húru abbuda, Chr. 1050; P. 170, 26. ꝥ gé náðer ne geearnian, ne þone deáð þises andweardan lífes ne húru þone tóweardan écere helle, Ll. Th. i. 270, 29. V. giving emphasis (1) to a statement, certainly, indeed, (a) introducing a clause :-- Húru cúð dyde Nergend . . . þæt hé þæt gyld on þanc ágifen hæfde, Gen. 1503: Jud. 346: Cri. 22: 82: 789: Hö. 15: Seel. 1: B. 369: Ap. 42 : An. 549. Ic lufige ǽlc ðing . . . and húru þæt þing swíðost þe mé tó wísdóme fultumað, Solil. H. 43, 1 : 35, 1. (b) in the body of the clause :-- Hwæt þú húru lyt geþóhtest, Seel. 22. Hwæt þonne húru seó mennisce gecynd þæs mæg lof secgean, Bl. H. 123, 2. þæt dysige sceáp þætte forweorðan wolde húru, Ps. Th. 118, 176. Nú dú híru scaelt usquequo, An. Ox. 54, 3. in negative clauses :-- Hit tó ǽlcum men ne cymþ be his gewyrhtum, ne húru nánum ealne weg ne wunað, Bt. 30, 1; F. 108, 18 : 33, 2 ; F. 124, 28: Met. 20, 38 : Met. 8, 10: 22, 4: Seel. 38: 6. 862: 1071. Ne húru wundur wyrceað deáde numquid mortuis facies mirabilia ?, Ps. Th. 87, 10: Wrt. Voc. ii. 115, 8. Efne sé on hygde húru ne slǽpeð, 120, 4. Ne wæs þæt húru fracoðes gealga, Kr. 10: Gú. 741. (2) to a wish or prayer, on (no) account :-- Ne ofgif þú mé húru ne elonges a me, Ps. Th. 70, 11. Ne forgit húru gódra manna stefna, 73, 22. þæt þú húru mé ǽnne ne for-lǽte non me derelinguas usquequaque, 118, 8. Ne mé húru forswelge sǽgrundes deóp ne me demergat tempestas aquae. Ps. Th. 68, 15. (3) to a question :-- On hwám mæg húru . ǽfre ǽnig man on worolde swíðor God wurðian þonne on circan ?, Ll. Th. i. 334, 25. See next word. huru