Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - hyhtan
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- hyhtan
- Add: [forms as from hyhtian occur.] I. to look (mentally) with expectation and desire, look forward with hope to :-- Wē tō þīnum hidercyme hopodan and hyhtan, Bl. H. 87, 12. Uton tō þām beteran hycgan and hyhtan let us turn our thoughts and hopes to the better, Leás. 44. II. to trust, (l) have confidence in :-- Eádig wer sē de hihtaþ (sperat) on him, Ps. L. 33, 9. Mōises in dǣm gié hyhtas, Jn. L. 5, 45. In noman his þeóde hyhtad, Mt. L. R. 12, 21. On Drihtne hihtiende, Ps. L. 25, 1. (2) to look with confidence to :-- For don hē hyhte tō mē, ic hine lȳse quoniam in me speravit, liberabo eum, Ps. Th. 90, 14. III. to hope for something :-- Hē hyhtade bēcon hwelc-hweogne from him gesegen wēre (tō geseánne, L.) sperabat signum aliquod uidere ab eo fieri, Lk. R. 23, 8. IV. to expect (without idea of desire) :-- Cymed de hlāferd in dæg of dǣm ne hyhtas ne l woenas (sperat), Mt. L. 24, 50. Hyhtad l woenad, Lk. L. R. 12, 46. Gif gié sellas dǣm from ðǣm gié hyhtad tō onfōane, Lk. L. 6, 34. Nōht on dec hyhtendo nihil in te sperantes, 35. V. to entertain feelings of joy, to exult :-- ꝥ cild onsprang and ongeán his Hlāford hyhte (cf. exultauit in gaudio infans. Lk. I. 44), Bl H. 165, 29. Hyhton nū and blissian eall geleáffull folc, 91, 6. Swā se hyhtenda gigant (cf. exultavit ut gigas, Ps. 18, 6), 9, 34.