Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - hyldu
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- hyldu
- Add: held[u]. I. kindness, affection, good will :-- For hylde arid lufe affectu, Wrt. Voc. ii. 3, 65. I a. good will towards a benefactor, gratitude :-- Ðonne hē his ælmessan dǣld. . . ne giéme hē hwelce hylde hē mid dǣre ælmessan gewriexl ne impensae gratiae vicissi-tudinem reguirant, Past. 323, 18. II. of the relation between lord and man. (l) the favour, grace of a lord (human or divine) shown to the man :-- Æfter þǣm eall þeós worold geceás Agustuses . frid and his sibbe; and eallum monnum nānuht swā gōd ne þūhte swā hié tō his hyldo becōme, and ꝥ hié his underþeówas wurden Agustus cunctis gen-tibus una pace compositis, Ors. 5, 15 ; S. 250, 18. Oft āgyltad dā hlāfordas and dā menn wuniad on Godes hyldo plerumque offendunt qui regunt, et in patrisfamilias gratia permanent qui reguntur. Past. 321, 3. Hē ūs eft ladude tō his hyldo ad recuperationem nos gratiae vocavit, 407, l. Hete hæfde hē æt his hearran gewunnen, hyldo hæfde his ferlorene, Gen. 301. (2) the loyalty, devotion of the man to the lord :-- Sægde Clitus for ealdre hyldo (from devotion to his old lord (Philip)) þæt Philippus māre hæfde gedōn þonne Alexander, Ors. 3, 9; S. 130, 28. Þām be egsan his healdad mid hyldo, Ps. Th. 84, 8. Hī lybbadon e-long;cnysse mid þām heáhfæderum for heora hylde wid God, Hml. S. 25, 740. Ic þē mīn gehāt, . . . hyldo gylde vota tua guae reddam, Ps. Th. 55, 10. For eówrum hyldum þē gē mē symble cȳddon, Ll. Th. i. 276, 19. Ic wæs dīnum fæder fullīce hold on mōde and on mægene, and dē ǣfre on fullum hyldum hold and on fulre lufe, C. D. iwith gen.) as the vassal or officer of a person:-- Hē fōr on þæs cynges heldan (in loco regis, Florence of Worcester, Chr. P. ii. 282) uppon heora brōder, Chr. 1095; P. 230, 18. His mæg Eádgār hē þǣr on þæs cynges Willelmes heldan tō cynge gesette, 1097; P. 234, 15. (2 b) devotion to the service of a lord :-- Hire hyrdeman durh holdrǣd-ene sume āc āstāh, and his orf lǣswode . . . and hē hearde feóll, gewāt of worulde tō Gode for dǣre hylde his hirdrǣdene, Hml. Th. ii. 150, 33. III. in adjuration, or affirmation, swearing, where the possession of the lord's favour is connected with a course of action :-- Swā ic āge Pharaones helde, ne farad gē heonon per salutem Pharaonis non egrediemini hinc. Gen. 42, 15. ' Ic hālsige eów for þæs Cāseres helda ꝥ gē mē secgon hwæder hē of forligere sig ācenned. ' Hig cwǣdon: ' Hyt nys nā on ūre ǣ ālȳfed tō swerigenne, and swā dēh swā wē þæs Cāseres helda habban mōton and swā wē deáþes scyldige ne wurþon, ꝥ nys hē nā of forligere ācenned, ' Nic. 4, 6-11. Gecȳþe seó gewitnysse ꝥ on Godes helde and on hlāfordes (the Latin versions have in fide (fidelitate) Dei et domini sui; per sacramentum), ꝥ heó him on sōdre gewitnysse sȳ (for the forms of oaths see pp. 178 sqq.), Ll. Th. i. 388, 23. Gehȳrde hē hū þā menn him betwȳnan sprǣcon and oft and gelōme Crīstes helda swōron (swore by Christ ?), Hml. S. 23, 529. [v. N. E. D. held.] v. rihthlāford-hyldu. hyldu