
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - in-gang

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: I. an entrance, a place or way by which one enters, a doorway, vestibule :-- Seó byrgen is on Hierusalem ... Se ingang is eástan in, and on ðá swíðran healfe þǽm ingange is stǽnen bedd, Shrn. 69, 2-4. Æðelic ingong ... duru ormǽte, Cri. 308. Bið se torr þyrel, ingong geopenad, Jul. 403. Æt ánes scræfes inngange (cf. an sumes scræfes dura, Bl. H. 199, 16), Hml. Th. i. 502, 16. Fram þǽre heortan inngange (ostio), Gr. D. 35, 18. In þám ingange (cafortúne, ) hire húses in hospitii sui vestibulo, 69, 26. On þǽre cyricean inngange in ecclesiae ingressu, 97, 33. Tó ingangum ad fauces, ad introitum, An. Ox. 50, 47. II. an entering, a going into :-- Inngong Godes mínes ingressus Dei mei. Ps. Srt. 67, 25. Hí ne dorston þæt hálige hús mid ingange (by entering) geneósían. Hml. Th. i. 504, 10. III. an entering upon action, a beginning, first step :-- Suá mon sceal on ðǽm úpáhæfenum monnum ðone fruman and ðone ingong ðǽre ðreátunga gemetgian ipsa in elatis invectionis exordia sunt temperanda, Past. 303, 18. [Þis was his ingang, of his útgang ne cunne wé iett nóht seggon, Chr. 1127; P. 258, 27.] IV. right or permission to enter, (1) the right of a person to enter and remain in a place :-- Æt heldore þǽr fǽge gǽstas æfter swyltcwale sécan onginnað ingong in þæt atule húse, Gú. 534. (2) admission to a religious house as one of its members :-- Wið ðan ðe mín wiif benuge innganges ... Gif hláford nylle hire mynsterlífes geunnan, C.D. i. 310, 29. Hé læg fíf dagas beforan ðæs mynstres geate, swá hé ne æt ne dranc, ac hé bæd ingonges. Þá underféng se abbod hine on ꝥ mynster, ðá geleornede hé his saltere on feówer móndum, Shrn. 109, 5. Cf. on-gang. in-gang

Parole correlate: l.
