
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - lyge

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


adj. Lying, mendacious, false :-- Sóhtun lyge gewitnisse wið ðone hǽlend ... ðonne monige lyge [leáse l lycce, Lind.] gewitu cwómun ætnǽhste ðá cwóman twægen lyge [leáso l liycce, Lind.] gewitu quærebant falsum testimonium contra Jesum ... cum multi falsi testes accessissent novissime autem venerunt duo falsi testes, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 26, 59-60. Monige lyge l leáse wítga multi pseudoprophetæ, 24, 11: 24, 44. Behaldeþ eów wið lyge l leáse wítgu attendite a falsis prophetis, 7, 15. [O. Sax. O. L. Ger. luggi: O. H. Ger. luggi, lucki mendax, falsus.] See also the compounds of which lyge is the first part. lyge