Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - micel
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- micel
- I. and III. Add; I. great (1) with reference to size, bulk, stature :-- Geseah hé swýþe mycele weorud. . . and wæs án þǽra. . . swýþe heáh and swýðe mycel ofer eal þæt oþer folc. Vis. Lfc. 14. Hié him gesealdon án .c. þára miclena þrieréðrena, Ors. 3, 1; S. 96, 27 : 5, 13; S. 246, 6. (1a) as an epithet to distinguish objects of the same kind but of different size :-- Nim þá miclan sinfullan, Lch. ii. 240, 8. (1b) great in extent :-- Gif mon on miclum gangum (long walks) weorðe geteórad. Lch. i. 76, 4. (2) with reference to coarseness of material, Lacedaemonii, inquieti magis quam strenui, Ors. 3, 1; S. 98, 34. (4) with reference to power or importance :-- S UNCERTAIN e Cristofores ðrowung þæs miclan martyres, Shrn. 76, 15. Úre Áliésend mára is and mǽrra eallum gesceaftum Redemtor noster magnus manens super omnia, Past. 301, 12. Suá huelc suá wille betweoxn eów mǽst beón (major fieri), 121, 6. (5) of things material or immaterial, of great excellence or work, of importance or significance :-- Hé (John) heóld þá clǽnnysse on móde and on líchaman on micelre drohtnunge, Hml. A. 14, 23 : 16, 14. Hwǽr beóþ þá glengeas and þá mycclat, gegyrelan þe hé þone líchoman ǽr mid frætwode?, Bl. H. 111, 36. For hwan ne déþ hé ꝥ lǽsse nú hé ꝥ máre dyde?, 181, 7. (6) where a quality is possessed in a high degree :-- Þú stunta and se mǽsta dwǽs þe ǽfre on þissere byrig mǽst wæs, Hml. S. 23, 695. II. add :-- Gif mon on mycelre ráde weorþe geteórad, Lch. i. 76, 4. Ðonne hé ús seleð micel siolfor, ðonne hé ús selð micle getyngnesse, Past. 369, 13. Æt mǽstra hwelcre misdǽde, Ll. Th. i. 58, 6. IV. add; (a) :-- Hé micel þæs moncynnes sum ácwealde, sum on Mæcedonie lǽdde, Ors. 4, 11; S. 208, 15. Ic mycel folces tó helle geteáh, H. R. 15, 6. Genim þás wyrte . . . ealra gelíce mycel. Lch. i. 218, 3. Máre ic þyses gemyndgade þonne ic his mid ealle ásǽde haec commemorata sunt magis quam explicata, Ors. 3, 2 ; S. 100, 25. (b) :-- Hwílum hié oft on dæge út gáð and þonne lytlum, hwílum ǽne and þonne micel, Lch. ii. 230, 22. Sellan fela ðám ðe hié lytel sceoldon, oððe lytel ðǽm ðe hié micel sceoldon. Past. 321, 17. Þet hió him néren máran ondeta þonne hit árǽded wæs on Æðelbaldes dæge, Cht. Th. 70, 25. V. add :-- Ne Godwíne eorl, ne óþre men þe mycel mihton wealdan, Chr. 1036; P. 158, 20. Va. in a prepositional phrase :-- On ánum dæge, oððe on twám, oþþe be ðám mǽstan on þrím, Hml. Th. i. 594, 25. v. for-, med-, medum-. níd (?), un-, un-gesceád-micel. micel