Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - mirran
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
mierran, merran;
- mirran
- p. de. I. to be a stumbling-block to, to hinder, obstruct :-- Ðe ðone ungesceádwísan mirþ (scandali occasionem praebere), Past. 59, 6; Swt. 453, 4. Sió ofersmeáung mirþ (is a hindrance to) ða unwísan, 15, 5; Swt. 97, 17. Ðæt eów læst þinga mierþ sine impedimento, 51, 7; Swt. 401, 17. Ðæs andwearda wela ámerþ and læt (MS. Cott. myrþ and let) ða men ðe beóþ átihte tó ðám sóþum gesǽlþum, Bt. 32, 1; Fox 114, 3. Merþ, tit. 32; Fox xvi, 12. Seó ungesceádwísnes heora eágena hí myrþ (ámerraþ, Cott. MS.), 32, 2; Fox 116, 26. Gyf hí ðé myrraþ and lettaþ, Shrn. 185, 5. Hwí mirraþ git ðis folc fram heora weorcum quare sollicitatis populum ab operibus suis? Ex. 5, 4. God nolde ðæt hié ðone Cristendóm mierde leng God would not that they should longer obstruct Christianity, Ors. 6, 7; Swt. 262, 21. Gif hwá Godes lage wyrde oððe folclage myrre, L. I. P. 2; Th. ii. 306, 12. II. to waste, squander :-- Ðý læs mon unnytlíce mierde ðæt ðæt hé hæbbe ne, quae possident, inutiliter spargant, Past. 44, 4; Swt. 325, 3. Ne myr ðú eal ðæt ðú hæbbe, ðý læs ðe geþearfe tó óðres mannes ǽhtum, ProIII. intrans. To err :-- Gié merras l geduellas erratis, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 22, 29. [Goth. marzjan σκανδαλίζειν: O. Sax. merrian (trans. and intrans.): O. Frs. meria: O. H. Ger. marrian impedire, scandalizare.] v. á-, ge-myrran. mirran