Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ná-wiht
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
nó-wiht, ná-uht, náwht, náht, nóht.
- ná-wiht
- I. as subst. with gen. es; n. (a) nothing, naught, a thing of no value, an evil thing :-- Is tó cýðanne hwelc náwuht (náuht, Cott. MSS.) ðes woruldgielp is intimandum est, quam sit nulla temporalis gloria, Past. 41,1 ; Swt. 299, 6. Náwuhtes cearu ofer ða ryhtwísnesse care for nothing besides righteousness, Swt. 302, 9. Ðú hí miht tó náwihte (ad nihilum) forniman, Ps.Th. 72, 16, 17 : 107,12. Spoede míne swé swé nówiht beforan ðé biþ substantia mea tanquam nihil ante te est, Ps. Surt. 38, 6. Tó nówihte, 14, 4 : 80, 15. Fore nówihte pro nihilo, 55, 8. Hé nówiht ne fremede nec ipse aliquid profecisset, Bd. 5, 9 tit.; S. 622, 6. Hé nówiht elles ne dyde, 2, 14; S. 518, 8. Yfel is náuht. Ðǽr yfel áuht wǽre, ðonne mihte hit God wyrcan. For ðý hit is náuht, Bt. 35, 5 ; Fox 164, 10-11. Heore þincþ eall náuht (nóht, Cott. MS.) ðæt heó hæfþ, 10; Fox 28, 28. Hú ne is se anweald ðǽr náuht? 16, 2 ; Fox 54, 7. Hú ne wást ðú ðæt hit nis náuht gecynde ne náuht gewunelíc ðæt ǽnig wiðerweard þing bión gemenged wið óðrum wiðerweardum do you not know that it is not a natural or usual thing, for contraries to be mingled with other contraries, 16, 3; Fox 54, 11. Ne eart ðú nó eallunga tó náuhte gedón thou art not altogether brought to naught, 10 ; Fox 30, 4. Weorðan tó náuhte to come to naught, Met. 11, 87. For náuht tó habbene to be considered worthless, Bt. 30, 1 ; Fox 108, 17. Mon ongiet mid hwelcum stæpum ðæt náwht (náuht, Cott. MSS.) wæs þurhtogen quibus vestigiis nequitia sit perpetrata, Past. 35, 3; Swt. 241, 18. Náht nichil, Wrt. Voc. i. 83, 68: nihili, 47, 33; nihil, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 8 ; Som. 9, 13. Náht mé wana biþ nihil mihi deerit, Ps. Spl. 22, 1. Nis ðæs mannes fæsten náht, ðe hine, sylfne on forhæfednysse dagum fordrencþ, Homl. Th. ii. 608, 23. Heora dýre gold ne biþ náhte wurð wið ða foresǽdan mádmas their precious gold will be worth nothing in comparison with the aforesaid treasures, Glostr. Frg. 2, 29. Tó náhte ad nihilum, Ps. Spl. 14, 5 : Ps. Th. 59, 11. Ne ðæt tó náhte nyt ne biþ it is to no purpose, Blickl. Homl. 57, 5. Hig tellaþ mín wedd for náht irritum facient pactum meum, Deut. 31, 20. For náhtum pro nihilo, Ps. Lamb. 80, 15. Ungeleáfsumum nóht biþ clǽne infidelibus nihil est mundum, Bd. 1, 27; S. 494, 40. Mon nóhtes wyrþe his sáule ne déþ ne his goldes ne his seolfres a man does not make his soul worthy of anything, of his gold or of his silver, Blickl. Homl. 195, 5. Næfdon heó nóht on hire, búton ðæt án ðæt heó hæfde mennisce onlícnesse, 147, 15. Ne fqrstent hit him nóht, ne him nóhte ðon má ne beóþ forlǽtna his ágna synna, Past. 21 ; Swt. 163, 19. ¶ genitive used as predicate :-- Ða sǽlþa ðe hé ǽr wénde ðæt gesǽlþa beón sceoldan, náuhtas nǽran (were worthless), Bt. 10. tit.; Fox xii. 6. Eówer godas ne synd náhtes, Homl. Skt. 7, 205. (b) with a genitive :-- Eallinga náwiht mægenes hæfeþ seó ǽfæstnys nihil omnino virtutis habet religio illa, Bd. 2, 13 ; S. 516, 3. Ic ðæs nówiht wát, Exon. Th. 393, 5 ; Rä, 12, 5. Ealles náuht nothing at all, Bt. 36, 6; Fox 182, 8. Náuht elles nothing else, 3, 2; Fox 6, 11. Hé ne mæg útane náuht ágnes habban, 27, 2 ; Fox 98, 8. Ðes náht yfeles ne dyde hic nihil mali gessit, Lk. Skt. 23, 41. Náht elles búton nothing but, Blickl. Homl. 215, 3. Nóht elles ne wunaþ, búton ðæt án, 101, 4. Gif wé yfles nóht gedón habbaþ, Exon. Th. 262, 8 ; Jul. 329. II. as an adverb, not :-- Hit gelamp neáht micelre tíde æfter his slæge (non multo exacto tempore), Bd. 3, 9 ; S. 533. 30. Náht feor eást, 2, 13 ; S. 517, 15 : Blickl. Homl. 43, 26. Mannum ðe náht swíðe God ne lufiaþ, 53. 18: Wrt. Voc. ii. 55, 27. Ic wát ðæt ðú náht (áuht, Cott. MSS.) ne forsláwodest, Bt. 10; Fox 28, 15. Heó nóht lata ne wæs, Blicki. Homl. 163, 8. Ne þurfan gé nóht besorgian hwæt gé sprecan, 171, 18. Ne wæs hé nóht feor on oferhygd áhafen, 215, 32. Nóht longe ofer ðis, Exon. Th. 172, 15 ; Gú. 1144. Æfter nóht langre tíde, Bd. 5, 11 ; S. 626, 10. Ic nóht ðon ǽr ðære ærninge blon, 5, 6; S. 619, 15. [O. Frs. ná-wet : O. Sax. O. H. Ger. neó-wiht.] and following words. na-wiht,nawiht-