
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - niht-genga

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


m. A creature that goes at night, a goblin, evil spirit :-- Wið feóndes costunga and nihtgengan and maran, Lchdm. ii. 306, 12. Wyrc sealf wið nihtgengan, 342, 1. Wið ælfcynne and nihtgengan and ðám mannum ðe deófol mid hǽmþ, 344, 7. Gif men hwylc yfel costung weorþe oððe ælf oððe nihtgengan, 344, 16. Hió (betony) hyne scyldeþ wið unhýrum nihtgengum and wið egeslícum gesihþum and swefnum, i. 70, 5. niht-genga