
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - nihterne

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

neahterne, nihternum;

ad :-- Ðæs gást wæs neahterne of líchoman álǽded his (Fursey) spirit was for a night taken from his body, Shrn. 51, 30. Lǽt standan neahterne, Lchdm. ii. 24, 21 : 32, 25. Lǽt licgean neahterne, 66, 12. Bind on ða eágan nihterne, 34. 23. Lǽt beón nihterne, 74, 14 : 270, 8. Lǽt standan nyhternum, iii. 16, 17. v. preceding and following words, and dægþerne. nihterne

Parole correlate: For a night
