Of-sceótan. i

Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - of-sceótan. i

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

of-sceótan. I
to wound or kill by shooting an arrow or by hurling a weapon :-- Wulfstán ðone forman man mid his francan ofsceát, Byrht. Th. 134, 1; By. 77. Hǽþcyn his mǽg ofscét blódigan gáre. Beo. Th. 4870; B. 2439. Hé hiene ne meahte ofsceótan mid ðæm bismere quem commovere in ipsa contumeliarum jaculatione non potuit, Past. 33, 7 ; Swt. 227, 9. Hé mid geǽttrode fláne hine ofsceótan wolde, Homl. Th. i. 502, 18. Hé wearð ofscoten mid ánre fláne sagitta ictus interiit, Ors. 1, 2 ; Swt. 30, 13. Ðǽr wearð Leostenas mid ánre flán ofscoten ibi Leosthenes telo e muris jacto perfossus occiditur, 3, 11; Swt. 144, 27. Mid fýrenum flánum ofscotene (ofsceotene, 7), Homl. Th. i. 506,1. II. Ofscoten elf-shot, diseased from an elf's shot, Lchdm. ii. 156, 25: 290, 21. The disease consists in an over-distension of an animal's stomach from the swelling up of clover and grass, when eaten with the morning dew on it. See the Glossary and Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary elf-shot,

Parole correlate: next word. of-sceotan
