
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - of-sleán

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: I. to kill a living object. (1) the subject a person :-- Þú þe wítegan ofslihst (ofslǽs, L. occidis), Mt. 23, 37. Ofslyhst (-slǽst, L. , -slǽs, R.), Lk. 13, 34. Sé ðe ofslihð (-sláeð, L. occiderit), Mt. 5, 21. Ofslyhþ (-slǽð, L. R. interficiet), Jn. 8, 22. Gé hig ofsleáð (-slǽs, L. , -slǽþ, R. occidetis), Mt. 23, 34. Hig ofsleáð (-slǽs, L. ) eów, 24, 9. Ofslǽð (-sláð), Lk. L. 11, 49. Ofsláas (-slægþ, R. ) hine occident eum, Mt. L. 17, 23. Ðá ðe líchoma ofsláeð, Mt. p. 16, 7. Ic mid sweorde ofslóh niceras nigene, B. 574. Ofslóg, 1665. Ne ofsleh (-slah, L.) þú non occides, Mt. 5, 21. Ne ofslyh (-sleh, -slah, L., R. ) ðú, Lk. 18, 20. Ofslá wé hine, Mt. L. 21, 38. Wutu ofslán þane. Mt. R. 21, 38. Walde ofslán (-slá, R.) hine, Mk. L. 6, 19. Ofsláe (-sleán, R.), Mt. L. 14, 5. Ofslǽ, 16, 21. Ofslagen beón occidi, Mt. R. 16, 21. Wæs ofslegen capite truncatur, An. Ox. 3022. Bearn þára ðe ofslegene wǽran filios interemtorum, Ps. Th. 101, 18. Hé betwih þára ofslénra (-slægenra, -slegenra, v. ll.) [lícum?] (betweoh þám ofslegenum, v. l.) gelíc deádum læg cum inter cadauera occisorum similis mortuo iaceret, Bd. 4, 22; Sch. 455, 4. (1 a) in the laws of manslaughter, (α) which involved payment of wergild :-- Gif man frigne mannan ofsleahð, Ll. Th. i. 4, 6. Ofslæhð, 6, 9. Ofslehð, 4, 9. Ofslyhð, 276, 32. Gyf in cyninges túne man mannan ofsleá,.L. scill gebéte, 4, 4. (β) where no penalty was to be exacted :-- Sé þe þeóf ofslihð, sé mót gecýðan mid áðe ꝥ hé hine synnigne ofslóge, 112, 7. Gif man leúd ofsleá an þeófðe, licge bútan wyrgelde, 42, 13. Gif hine mon ofsleá, licgge hé orgilde, 60, 14: 286, 14, Gif þeóf brece mannes hús nihtes, and hé weorðe þǽr ofslegen, ne sié hé (the slayer) ná mansleges seyldig, 50, 19. Gif mon þæs ofslægenan weres bidde hé mót gecýðan ꝥ hé hine for þeóf ofslóge, 116, 4. (2) the subject an animal :-- Gif se oxa wer oþþe wíf ofslóge, Ll. Th. i. 48, 32. (3) the subject some destructive agency :-- Ꝥ endenécste gelimp twinnum ofslóh hlote (quam) suprema sors gemina (mortis) multauerat urna, An. Ox. 1837. II. to slaughter cattle :-- Gif hwá forstele óðres oxan and hine ofsleá (ofslehð, Ex. 22, 1) oþþe bebycgge, Ll. Th. i. 50, 14: 128, 14. III. to destroy a thing, material or non-material :-- Ne þúhte nánum men þæs tweó ꝥ gif ꝥ stánclif feólle, ꝥ hit ne ofslóge ꝥ scræf and eác Martinum ácwealde si ingens moles rueret, dubium non erat quod simul et specum destrueret et Martinum necaret, Gr. D. 213, 21. Bið his unðeáw ofslægen (-slegen, v. l.) bútan ǽlcre niédðrafunga, suá suá Assael wæs deád bútan orde, Past. 297, 22. Bið se deáðbǽra wǽta on ðǽm menn ofslægen mid ðǽm biteran drence humor mortiferus per amaritudinem vacuatur, 303, 16. IV. to strike and injure, to produce an injury by striking, strike with blindness :-- Tó þǽm þe þǽr ofslegene syndon mid blindnesse, Bl. H. 153, 16. [v. N. E. D. of-slay.] v. un-ofslegen. of-slean

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