Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - of-stingan
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- of-stingan
- to wound or kill by a thrust, to stab, pierce :-- His ealdgefāna sum hiene ofstang a Pausania occisus est, Ors. 3, 7 ; Swt. 118, 34. Hē hiene (the elephant) on ðone nafelan ofstang, 4, 1 ; Swt. 156, II. Hē (Pilate) hiene selfne ofstong sua se transverberans manu, 6, 3 ; Swt. 258, 10: Shrn. 33, 5. Hē wolde ofstingan Eádwine, ac hē ofstang Lillan his þegn. Chr. 626; Erl. 23, 29 : 755; Erl. 48, 23. Ne ofstong Æfner hiene n ILLEGIBLE mid ðý speres orde ac mid hindewerdum ðam sceafte Abner non eum recta, sed aversa hasta transforavit. Past. 40, 6; Swt. 297, 10. Sunu gif hē (an ox) ofstinge (gore), L. Alf. 21; Th. i. 50, 2. Håt Fabianus ðæt hī man begen ofstunge, Homl. Skt. i. 5, 405. Ðæt ic ðē ne dyrre ofstingan ne compellar confodere te in terram, Past. 40, 5 ; Swt. 295, 16. Her Ǽdmund cyning wearð ofstungen, Chr. 948; Erl. 117, 8.