
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - on

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: A. I. 5 ¶ :-- Ðæt fǽmna mynster on Brytene ꝥ is nemned on Bercingum (on Byrcingum, in Bercingum in loco qui nuncupatur in Berecingum, Bd. 4, 6; Sch. 383, 19), Shrn. 138, 2 (7) :-- Is swá þeáh gód weorc on þám gódan wordum, Æifc. T. Grn. 21, 25. Ǽlc dohtig man on Kænt and on Súð-Sexan, on þegenan and or ceorlan, C. D. iII 1. marking date :-- Gif hit gebyrað on geáre (illo anno) ꝥ ne byð mæsten, Chrd. 15, 9. (2) :-- Þæt þes middaneard scule standan on syx þúsend wintrum, Wlfst. 244, 1. Úre Drihten gesceóp seofonfealde weorc . . . eall on ánum dæge, Hex. 6, 25. Hé heom on ealre hwíle metes tilian sceolde, Hml. S. 23, 219. III 2 :-- Seó fird gehergade swíðe micel on þǽm norðhere, Chr. 910; P. 94, 29. Mæg ic þis setl on eów geþringan, Gú. 215. Woruldfeoh . . . þæs ic on sceótendum . . . áhredde, Gen. 2143. (3 a) denoting the reason of an action, on account of :-- Ealle men heriað míne dohtor on hyre swégcræfte, Ap. Th. 16, 20. (3 b) denoting the person or thing on which dependence is placed, from which a result is derived :-- Seó mǽðung is on þám bisceope modus correptionis in episcopi iudicio pendeat, Chrd. 35, 18. Frægn Scipia hiene an hwý hit gelang wǽre, Ors. 5, 3; S. 222, 14. v. ge-lang. (4) :-- Se ælmihtiga wyrhta geworhte ealne middangeard on his mycclum cræfte, Hex. 4, 3, (5) :-- Ǽlc man haefð on his ágenre byrðene genóh, Wlfst. 239, 25. Se man wæs geworht on libbendre sáwle factus est homo in animam viventem, Gen. 2, 7. Heó gehergade swíðe micel ǽgðer ge on mannum ge on gehwilces cynnes yrfe, Chr. 910; P. 94, 29. Beóbreád is on twám ðingum, on weaxe and on hunie. Críst is on twám edwistum, Hml. Th. ii. 292, 14. Bióð ealle wæteras and ealle wyllas on blóde omnes fontes aquarum et putei in sanguinem convertentur, Verc. Först. 120, 9. (6) :-- Ðú on mihte and on ríce hí feorr oferstígest omnes potestate transcendas, Bd. 2, 12 ; Sch. 157, 13. (7) Þǽt hí wǽron on miclum ege ðám sylfum landágendum ut ipsis indigenis essent terrori, Bd. 1, 15 ; Sch. 42, 19. (8) :-- Ðá hé wæs on fíf and twéntigum geára, þá férde hé tó Róme, Shrn. 50, 24: 59, 28. Nóht feor úrum mynstre, ꝥ is, húhugu on twégra mila fæce non longe a monasterio nostro, id est, duum ferme milium spatio separata, Bd. 5, 4; Sch. 567, 11. Seó stów is on .vi. mílum fram Nursia locus sexti ferme milliarii interjacente spatio a Nursiae urbe disjungitur, Gr. D. 274, 5. (10) :-- Hé bát his tungan þæt heó on blóde fleów, Hml. Th. i. 312, 25. Wearð ꝥ folc ástyrod on swídlicum hreáme, Hml. S. 31, 281. His geféran fundon hine licgen[d]ne on blódigum limum and tóbeátenum líchaman, 981. Wearð hé untrum on feforádle, Bl. H. 217, 16. Ðá englas hé geworhte on wundorlicre fægernysse and on mycelre strengðe, Hen. 6, 25. (11) :-- Ðeáh hwá bebycgge his dohtor on þeówenne ( or acc. ?) si quis vendiderit filiam suam in famulam, Ll. Th. i. 46, 12. Míne synna on þreágunge berende, Hml. S. 23 b, 672. (12) v. III 3 :-- Hé begann tó stelenne on heora gewunan, Ælfc. T. Gen. 17, 18. (13) :-- Hé hæfde æþele brýd, seó wæs on naman Natalea, Shrn. 59, 29. (14) in oaths :-- Gecýþe seó gewitnysse ꝥ on Godes helde and on hláfordes, ꝥ heó him on sóðre gewitnysse sý, Ll. Th. i. 388, 23. (15) :-- Sélre him is ǽfre of folgoðe ðonne on, Angl. ix. 260, 30. B. I. 3 (both acc. and dat. may occur in the same passage) :-- 'Þú gesáwe gehwǽde mot on þínes bróðor eáge and ne gesáwe þone mǽstan cyp on þínum ágenum eágan'. Þæt is, þú ásceonudest þá lǽstan gyltas on þíne gingran and þá mǽstan noldest on þé sylfne, R. Ben. 12, 3-6. Hié beóð on þá winstran sídan mid ece geswenced and on ðone lið þǽra eaxla . . . biþ micel ece, and on þám gehweorfe þára bána on þám sweóran, Lch. ii. 242, 11-14. .vi. æcras mǽde on ðá geréfmǽde, C. D. iii. 53, 2. (4) :-- Ær ðám tíman næs ǽfre ǽnig mann swá mǽre, ꝥ hé on án ne sceolde tó helle swá hé forðfaren wæs, Wlfst. 16, 14. Ðá gesægdon Rómáne on án (at once) Bryttum, Bd. 1. 12; Sch. 33, 15. (5) :-- On þreó genamod, C. D. v. 401, 25. III 3 :-- Hé ꝥ gebéte his dryhtne .c. scill an eald reht, Ll. Th. i. 38, 6. On gebyrd, B. 1074: Sal. 384. On gesceap, Rä. 39, 4. Hé him an his gewill andwyrdan sceolde, Ors. 3, 9 ; S. 126, 29: 1, 12; S. 56, 1. Gif seó wyrd swá hweorfan mót on yfelra manna gewill, Bt. 4; F. 8, 19. On þæs arcebisceopes geméde, Cht. Th. 355, 23. (7) :-- Gif hé hine on bismor tó homolan bescíre, Ll. Th. i. 84, 5. Sende him mon áne blace hacelan angeán him on bismer, Ors. 5, 10 ; S. 234, 22. (7a) marking action on which effort is expended :-- Hé gefeóll on þæs ceorles clyppinge, Gr. D. 47, 1. Ic ongite ꝥ sóeth;líce þín dohtor gefeól on swégcræft, ac heó næfð hine nú wel geleornod I perceive that of a truth your daughter has bestowed much pains on music, but she has not been taught it well, Ap. Th. 16, 23. (8) :-- Ic on mádma hord mínne bebohte fróde feorhlege, B. 2799. (9) :-- Ǽr wæs eall weoruld sprecende on án gereord, and nú synd gereord twá and hundseofontig, Wlfst. 211, 19. Tó brúcanne on éce ærfe, C. D. i. 316, 18. Ná on gemear (uane) þú gesettest suna manna, Ps. Rdr. 88, 48. Him on gafol forlét wellan sceótan, Rä. 39, 2. (10) :-- On þone Drihten, Ll. Th. i. 178, 3, and often. Ic þé fullwie on mínne Godfæðer and on mec his efenécne sunu and on þone Hálgan Gást, Shrn. 106, 13. (10 a) denoting ground or reason, on account of, on the ground of :-- Ðá ongunnon ealle þá men hí herian on hyre swégcræft, Ap. Th. 16, 18. Gif hé láðleás beó, séce swylcne hláford on þá gewitnesse swylcne hé wille, Ll. Th. i. 220, 24. (11) :-- Gedó on ꝥ fæt þe þú hit mæge on mid gefóge geseóþan, Lch. ii. 28, 16. Horsum mídla synd on tó ásettenne equis frena sunt inponenda, Scint. 55, 12. Saga mé hwǽr is seó eorðe ðe nǽfre sunne on ne sceán, Sal. K. 198, 14. Nú hit eall ágán is on ðǽron oð ðíne hand, C. D. ii. 114, 6. v. þǽr-on. on,on-

Parole correlate: 11, 7.
