Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ongeagn
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ongeagn
- Add: A. I. (1) :-- Mið ðý gesætt on dúne oelebeárna ongeaegn (-gægn, R.) temple (contra templum), Mk. L. 13, 3. Ásettað mé ongǽn (-gén, þysum fýre contra ignem me ponite, Gr. D. 48, 3. (2) :-- Móyses ástrehte his hand ongeán ðǽre sǽ, Hml. Th. ii. 194, 26. (2 a) denoting motion in a contrary direction to that of a moving body :-- Hát unmǽlne mon gefeccean ongeán streáme (moving the vessel up stream) healfne sester yrnendes wæteres, Lch. iii. 12, 1. (3) :-- Áríseð cynn ongægn cynne, Lk. L. R. 21, 10. Ic him módes gǽlsan ongeán bere grimra geþonca, Jul. 367. Ic eów sweord ongeán oðberan þence, Gú. 273 : El. 43. (4) :-- Geopena ongeán mé lífes geat, Hml. Th. i. 76, 3 : Rä. 76, 3. Þæt hyre sié swegl ongeán, Dóm. 69. (4 a) denoting obstruction of that which comes :-- Wá ðæs mannes sáwle þe betýnð his duru ongeán Godes þearfan . . . ; swá him bið betýned heofona ríces duru ongeán on dómes dæge, Wlfst. 239, 1-5. (6) in response :-- Iúdas hire ongén þingode, El. 609: Gú. 210. Werhádes men ongunnon symle þone dreám, and wífhádes men him sungon ongeán, Hml. Th. ii. 548, 12. (8) denoting reciprocal action, in turn, on the other hand :-- Se abbud Libertinum be his fótum genam . . . Ongǽn (ondgegn, v. l.) þæm (contra) Libertinus hine sylfne tó þæs abbudes fótum ástrehte, Gr. D. 21, 34. II. (1) :-- Hí lédon hine ongeán þá sunnan they laid him down with his face to the sun, Hml. S. 35, 160. (1 a) :-- Se assa geseah ðone engel ongeán hine standan, and him ðæs færeltes forwiernan, Past. 255, 24. Dryhten tóbrǽt ðone greádan his mildheortnesse ongén ðá ðe tó him gecierrað, 405, 10. Sing on þæs mannes heáfod ufan on yrnendum wætere and wend ꝥ heáfod ongeán streám (he must face up stream), Lch. iii. 70, 8. (2) :-- Weras wíf somod urnon ongeán þá þeódnes mægð, Jud. 165. (2 a) in a direction opposite to that of another moving body :-- Ðá seofon tunglan farad ǽfre ongeán ðone rodor, Sal. K. p. 124, 155. Cymð hé tó lande, hwílum ongeán wind and ongeán ðá ýða, hwílum mid ǽgðrum, Past. 433, 3. Wæter hé déð þæt yrnð ongeán streám, Wlfst. 196, 5 : C. D. B. ii. 374, 10. (2 b) to meet an event, time, &c. :-- Man dráf út his módor ongeán þone weallendan winter, Chr. 1037 P. 160, 16. (3) in contravention or violation of right, custom :-- Þeáh ðe hwá cweðe tállic word ongeán mé, him bið forgifen . . . sé ðe cweð word ongán ðone Hálgan Gást, ne bið hit him forgifen, Hml. Th. i. 498, 24-26. Ongann hé swíðe yrre clypian ongeán (-gǽn, -gén, v. ll.) hine, Gr. D. 37, 6. Ongeán ungewemmedde contra inmunem (castitatem saeviens), An. Ox. 4333. Hiora ǽgþer ꝥ mǽste folc ongeán ó erne geteáh, Ors. 2, 7; S. 90, 17. Ðá biscopas ongeaegn hine (aduersus eum) somnung gegeadredon, Jn. p. 6, 10. Ongeán Godes ryht, Ll. Th. i. 170, 12 : 312, 8 : ii. 296, 17. Ládige hé (the accused) hine mid áðe ongeán hine (the accuser), i. 489, 10. Ongeán gewunan contra ritum, An. Ox. 1819. (3 a) where one thing is subjected to the action of another :-- Aðamans, gif his mon onhrínð mid buccan blóde, hé hnescað ongeán ðæt líðe blód, Past. 271, 4. (4) :-- Hé ongan lifgean ongeán God, ǽr þon þe hé him sylfum lifgean mihte ante coepit vivere Deo, quam sibi, Bl. H. 165, 22. Lócigan ongeán þás sunnan, Solil. H. 34, 22. (6) :-- Ongeán ðæt sint tó lǽranne ðá ofersprǽcean contra admonendi sunt mulliloquia vacantes, Past. 277, 3 : 289, 4: 296, 7 : 351, 3. (7) :-- Fæste hé nú ongeán ꝥ hé ǽr þurh fylle unriht gefremede, Ll. Th. ii. 284, 2. Uton efstan þæt wé magon him gewrixl ágyldan . . . ongeán ealle þá gód þe hé ús forgyfen hæfð, Wlfst. 145, 8. Fela þinga dydan þá geogeleras þurh drýcræft ongeán þæt þe Móyses þurh Godes mihta fela wundra worhte, 98, 9. (8) :-- Ðá yfelan brǽdað on worulde ongeán þæt mǽste yfel þe mannum is tówerd, Wlfst. 83, 15. B. (3) :-- Hit sprang ongeán, By. 137. (4) :-- Hé symle ongén cwæð, 'Gewurþe Godes willa,' Hml. S. 33, 33. (4 a) where sound is the result of an act :-- Man lédde tó his breóstum bráde ísene clútas swíðe glówende ꝥ hit sang ongeán, Hml. S. 37, 163. (4 b) where action is a reply to, or return for, action :-- Sé, sé ðe hátheortnesse ofercuman wille, ðæt hé hiene ongeán ne háthirte (he must not reply to fury with fury), Past. 296, 6. (6) :-- Hé bord ongeán hefeð, Jul. 385. (7) :-- On hú mycelre Godes gehyrdnysse beóð þá þe cunnon hý sylfe forseón . . . Swá eác þǽr ongeán (e contra) beforan Godes eágum licgeað forsewene þá þe tóþindað, Gr. D. 40, 3. Hé oðsóc ꝥ hé hit nǽre; hí þá ongén hine gecnǽwne gedydon be þám tácne þe on his hneccan wæs ꝥ hé hit wæs, Hml. S. 30, 274. v. þǽr-ongeán. on-geagn,ongeagn