
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - orpedlíce

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

ad :-- Wé willaþ ámearkian ðás epactas and eác ða regulares lunares, ðæt hig openlíc[r]e and orpedlíce standun beforan ðæs preóstes gesyhþe that they may stand out clearly and boldly in sight of the priest, Anglia viii. 301, 31. [Cf. But for þe emperoor hadde out of his companye þe orped man (virum strenuum) Bonefacius, þe emperour dede noþing orpedliche (nihil strenue egit), Trev. v. 231, 13-15. He orpedly strydeȝ, Bremly broþe. Gaw. 2232. penne orppedly in to his hous he hyȝed to Sare, Allit. Pms. 56, 623.] orpedlice

Parole correlate: Boldly, in full force
