
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - sceár

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

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f. A pair of shears or scissors; but the word is generally used in the plural (dual?) as the modern shears, scissors :--Scér forfex, Wrt. Voc. ii. 36, 65. Scéroro, scérero forices, Txts. 60, 401. ísern-scéruru forfex, 65, 903. Sceára forfex, Wrt. Voc. i. 86, 21. Sceára forficis, ii. 1, 15. Tange forcipis, tang forceps, sceára forficis, 33, 35-37. Tangan, tange forcipis, sceáre[n] forficis, Hpt. Gl. 417, 75. Hí ne scoldon hira loccas lǽtan weaxan ac hié scoldon hié efsigean mid sceárum non comam nutrient, sed tondentes attondent capita sua. Past. 18, 7 ; Swt. 139, 14. Ne hé his loccas mid sceárum wanode. Shrn. 93, 9. Hé sceal habban horscamb and sceára (shears) ... sceárra (scissors), nǽdle, Anglia. ix. 263, 8-15. Cf. Ræglsceára forfices, fexsceára forpices, Wrt. Voc. ii. 150, 21, 22. [My berd, myn beer ... That nevere yit ne felte offensioun of rasour ne of schere, Chauc. Kn. T. 1559. A shepster (sutrix) shere, Piers P. 13, 331. Schere (scherys) to clyppe wythe forfex. Prompt. ParO. Frs. skére, schére; f.: O. H. Ger. scári ; pl. Forpices ; scára forfex : M. H. Ger. schære: Ger. schere: Icel. skæri; n. pl. Shears.] v. secg-gescére. scear

Parole correlate: 445, col. 2.
