
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - scencan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

p. te To skink (to pour out liquor for drinking, to give to drink (lit. and fig.) :-- Ðú scæncst potabis, Ps. Lamb. 35, 9. Ðæt góde wín ðæt hé scencþ nú geond his gelaðunge, Homl. Th. ii. 70, 11. Ðonne scencþ hé ða scylde mid ðære bisene ǽlcum ðæra ðe him ǽnges yfles tó wénþ cunctis mala credentibus per exemplum culpa propinatur, Past. 59, 5; Swt. 451, 24. Heó bær drincan and ús eallum þénade and scencte óð ðæt ðæt gereorde gefylled wæs obtulit poculum, coeptumque ministerium nobis omnibus propinandi usque ad prandium completum non omisit, Bd. 5, 4; S. 617, 26. Þegn, se ðe on handa bær hroden ealowǽge, scencte scír wered, Beo. Th. 996; B. 496. Feónd byrlade ðære idese, and heó (Eve) hyre were scencte, Exon. Th. 161, 12; Gú. 957. Mé þyrste, and gé mé scencton (cf. drincan sealdon, l. 21) ... Hwænne gesáwe wé ðé þurstigne, and wé ðé scencton? Homl. Th. ii. 108, 4-11: i. 336, 3:Wulfst. 288, 15. Ðá hí him betwih beadowíg scencton ðæs heofonlíces lífes dum sese alterutrum coelestis vitae poculis debriarent, Bd. 4, 29 ; S. 607, 17. Scencean propinare, Engl. Stud. ix. 40. Deáþes scencende drenc mortis propinans poculum, Hymn. Surt. 31, 15. [Nom heo (Rowena) ane bolle of ræde golde & heo gon scenchen, Laym. 14962. And tu . . . ne shennkesst nohht tatt wise, ne birrlesst tu þin hird, Orm. 15403. Þe drynke for to schenche, R. Glouc. 118, 12. Schenkyn drynke propino, Prompt. Parv. 445 (v. note). O. Frs. skenka : O. H. Ger. scenchen fundere, propinare, ministrare, porrigere: Icel. skenkja to serve drink, fill one's cup: cf. O. Sax. skenkio a skinker, cupbearer; O. L. Ger. skenki-vaz cyathus.] v. bi-, forþ-scencan. scencan

Parole correlate: Nares' Glossary for instances of the use of this word),
