
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - scofettan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

p. te To drive hither and thither :-- For ðam hit is openlíce cúð ðætte sió úterre ábisgung ðissa woruldþinga ðæs monnes mód gedréfþ and hine scofett (scofeð, Cott. MSS. : cf. sciéð, 3rd pers. sing. of sceótan, Swt. 70, 7) hidres ðædres óþ þæt hé áfielþ of his ágnum willan cum indubilanter constet, quod cor externis occupationum tumultibus impulsum a semetipso corruat, Past. 22, 1; Swt. 169, 13. Cf. scúfan. scofettan