
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - spannan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

I. add: (c) to harness or yoke oxen to that which has to be drawn :-- Ðá þá him náht ne speów, þá hét hé spannan oxan tó, ac hí ne mihton áwecgan ꝥ mǽden swá, Hml. S. 9, 106. (d) to join in matrimony :-- Span[n]an adjungere (has sponsi ad prolem generis satagunt adjungere nuptas, Ald. 200, 10), An. Ox. 17, 62. (e) to bind by considerations of interest, fear of consequences :-- Hí speónnon heom eall ꝥ landfolc tó (cf. hí námon gíslas swá fela swá hí woldon, 179, 3), Chr. 1052; P. 178, 36.

Parole correlate: á-, un-spannan. spannan
