
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - sprǽc-hús

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: I. a place in which the monastic school was held; auditorium [auditorium, locus in quo conveniebant monachi, quod in eo essent monachicae scholae, ibique praeceptores docerent, discipuli audirent magistros docentes, Migne] :-- Bútan spǽchúses (auditorii, printed adiutorii) stówe; seó fram þám swýþust ys geteald þám naman, ꝥ þár tó gehlystende sí hwæt fram beódende sí háten, Angl. xiii. 432, 965. II. a place in a monastery for the reception of guests [auditorium, domus vel cubiculum in monasteriis ubi excipiebantur advenientes hospites et salutaturi, Migne] :-- Martinus cóm hwílon tó ánum preóstlífe, and hí gelógodon his bæd on þæs mynstres sprǽchúse, Hml. S. 31, 847; 907: 1183. spræc-hus