Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - stær-blind
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- stær-blind
- adj. Blind from giddiness, purblind, quite blind :-- Stæ[r]-blind scotomaticus (cf. scotomaticorum, cecorum, 78, 20), Wrt. Voc. ii. 119, 81. Næfþ nán man tó ðæs unhále æágan, ðæt hé ne máge lybban be ðare sunnan and hire nyttian, gyf hé ényg wiht geseón mæg, búton hé stareblind sí, Shrn. 187, 5. Sume unæáðe áwiht geseóþ; sume beóþ stæreblinde and nyttiaþ þeáh ðare sunnan, 27. Stærbli[nde] scotomaticos, Hpt. Gl. 478, 20. [Bi daie þu (the owl) art stareblind, O. and N. 241. O. Frs. staru-, stare-, star-blind: O. H. Ger. stara-plint: Ger. staar-blind suffering from cataract: Dan. stær-blind purblind: Swed. starr-blind quite blind: cf. Icel. star-blinda blindness.] stær-blind