
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - sufel

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


n. Anything, whether flesh, fish, or vegetable, eaten with bread, sowl ['Anything used to flavour bread, such as butter, cheese, etc., is called sowl in Pembrokeshire,' Halliwell]; pulmentarium:--Sile him fórmete on hláfe and on sufle and on wíne dabis viaticum de gregibus et de area et torculari tuo (the sufle corresponds to the gregibus, numquid pulmentarium habetis?). . . Hé cwæð tó him: Lǽtaþ ðæt nett on ða swíðran healfe ðæs réwettes and gé gemétaþ, Jn. Skt. 21, 5-6. Wé gelýfaþ, ðæt genóh sý tó dæghwamlícum gereorde twá gesodene sufel (cocta duo pulmentaria)... Gif mon æppla hæbbe oðþe hwylces óþres cynnes eorðwæstmas, sý ðæt tó þriddum sufle. Sý ánes pundes gewihte hláf tó eallum dæge, R. Ben. 63, 10-15. Ðæt hiae simle ymb xii mónaþ gegeorwien tén hund hláfa and swǽ feola sufla, and ðæt mon gedéle tó ælmessan for míne sáwle, Chart. Th. 461, 11. [Ne þerf þet meiden sechen nouðer bread ne suuel, A. R. 192, 18. Kam he neuere hom handbare, Þat he ne broucte bred and sowel In his shirte, or in his couel, Havel. 767. I ne haue neyþer bred ne sowel, 1143. Þes two fishes ben souel to þes loves, Wicklif, Select Wks. i. 63. Sowvel, þat is mete to make potage and to medle among potage, ii. 137. Sowil, as tnow knowe me to wiln (savoury meat, such as l love, A. V.), Gen. 27, 4. Alle that greden at thy gate . . . after fode, Parte with hem of thy payn of potage other of souel, Piers P. C. 9, 286. Forto haue my fylle of that frute I wolde forsake al other saulee (glossed by edulium), B. 16, 11. Hoc potagium aᵉ potage, hoc edulium aᵉ sówle, Wrt. Voc. i. 199, col. 2 (15th cent.). Sowylle, 266, col. 1 (15th cent.). Edulia sowell, Wülck. Gl. 579, 41 (15th cent.). Sowle edulium, pulmentarium, Cath. Ang. 349, col. 2. See the note there (from which the Wicklif passages have been taken), where from Andrew Boorde's Introd. to Knowledge is quoted, 'A gryce is gewd sole;' and from Turner's Herbal, 'The most part vse Basil for a sowle or kitchen;' and 'The fyrste grene leaues of elm tre are sodden for kichin or sowell as other eatable herbes be.' Icel. sufl whatever is eaten with bread: Swed. sofwel: Dan. sul meat. Cf. O. H. Ger. pi-sufili pulmentum, polentum.] v. lencten-, winter-sufel; ge-sufel; adj., syflig. sufel

Parole correlate: winter-sufel), Deut. 15, 14. Hæbbe gé sufol (
