
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - teám

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


m. A line; but the word which is used in the related dialects (infra) with a physical meaning is used in English figuratively. I. a line of descendants, offspring, progeny, family, children :-- Nán wen ne wífaþ, ne wíf ne ceorlaþ, ne teám ne biþ getýmed children are not brought forth, Homl. Th. i. 238, 1. Seó gelaþung is úre ealra módor ... hire teám nis ná líchamlíc ac gástlíc, 492, 8: Homl. Skt. i. 20, 9. Wuenumon and hire teám, Moruiw and hire teám and Wurgustel and his teám wuárun gefreód ... Marh gefreóde Leðelt and ealle hire teám, Chart. Th. 626, 22-37. Ðæs teámes wæs tuddor gefylled unlytel dǽl eorðan gesceafta, Cd. Th. 97, 15; Gen. 1613. Berende in teáme fecunda in sobole, Rtl. 110, 7. Hé Noe bearh and his wífe and his teáme, Gen. 5, 31 note: Homl. Skt. i. 8, 18. Caines ofspring forwearð ádrenced on ðam deópan flóde ... and of ðam yfelan teáme ne com nán þing siððan, Ælfc. T. Grn. 3, 27. Séd l teám semen, Mk. Skt. Lind. 12, 21, 22. Ðæt folc týmde micelne teám on ðam wéstene, Homl. Th. ii. 212, 17. Teám gestrýnan, 324, 11. Ðreó wíteþeówe men mé salde bisceop and hire teám, Chart. Th. 152, 22. Fyllaþ eówre fromcynne foldan sceátas, teámum and túdre, Cd. Th. 92, 27; Gen. 1535. ¶ of animals :-- Beón týmaþ heora teám mid clǽnnysse, Homl. Th. ii. 10, 17. [Weóx swa Adames team her, ne mahte hit na mon tellen, Jul. 61, 7. Drauh togedere al þene team under þe moder, A. R. 336, 15. Wurrþenn wiþþ childe, and tæmenn hire tæm, Orm. 2415. Ys foure sones ... Þys was a stalwarde tem, R. Glouc. 261, 4.] I a. bringing forth children, child-bearing :-- Ðonne wíf byþ teámes ætealdod, Homl. Ass. 20, 159. His wíf wearð mid Esau and Iacob, and heó geswác ðá teámes, 38, 339. [Weren boðe (John's parents) teames ateald, O. E. Homl. ii. 133, 32.] II. a line of animals harnessed together, a team :-- Oxa on ðam forman teáme (cf. oxa on frumteáme imus, ii. 48, 36) imus, on ðam æfteran teáme binus (bimus), Wrt. Voc. i. 23, 47, 48. On ðæm æftran teáme bimus, ii. 12, 70. v. feoþer-tíme, iuc-tíma, ge-týme. The old pictures represent the plough as drawn by two pairs of oxen one behind the other. Cf. My plowman ... a teme (teome, MS. C.) shal he haue. Grace gaue Piers a teme, foure gret oxen, Piers P. B. 19, 256. III. as a legal term, (1) vouching to warranty. The word denotes one step in the proceedings of a suit for the recovery of property, which was found in one man's possession and claimed by another, who alleged that it had been stolen or had strayed from him. The peculiar character of the process to which it refers was determined by the formalities insisted upon by the law when property changed hands. At such a transaction the presence of witnesses was necessary (L. Ed. 1; Th. i. 158, 11: L. Edg. H. 4; Th. i. 258, 22: L. Edm. C. 5; Th. i. 253, 8: L. C. S. 23; Th. i. 388, 21: 24; Th. i. 390, 4), and one responsible person (geteáma), who according to Ine's laws must not be a þeów man (L. In. 47; Th. i. 132, 5), was to be fixed upon as representing the party that made the sale or transfer, and to him, if a question subsequently arose as to ownership, the new owner might refer (tíman) in support of his right; this referring the property to the party who had sold it was teám. In cases of undivided ownership the geteáma would be the person making the sale; in cases of joint ownership one of the parties would be taken. The proceedings in a suit in which teám was resorted to seem to have been somewhat as follows. The plaintiff, who made claim to property on the plea that it had been stolen from him, had to give security that he would carry on his case: Warige hine, se ðe his ágen befóþ, ðæt hé tó ǽlcan teáme hæbbe getrýwne borh, L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 6: Wil. I. 21; Th. i. 477, 11; the defendant had to declare how the property came into his hands, and to give security that he would produce his geteáma in court: Gif hwá befó ðæt him losod wæs, cenne se ðe hé hit æt befó hwanon hit him cóme, sylle on hand and sette borh (pledge himself and find security) ðæt hé bringe his geteáman in ðǽr hit besprecen biþ, L. Eth. ii. 8; Th. i. 288, 15. On the case being brought into court (which was to be held in cynges sele, L. H. E. 7; Th. i. 30, 18: 16; Th. i. 34, 7, or kyninges burh: Ǽlc teám beó on ðæs kyninges byrig; L. Eth. iii. 6; Th. i. 296, 4), the plaintiff made oath, that he prosecuted his suit lawfully and fairly, L. O. 2; Th. i. 178, 10, and without malice, 4; Th. i. 180, 8; the defendant on his side made oath that he had had no part in the alleged robbery, but had acquired the property in a lawful manner, 3; Th. i. 178, 16, and was guiltless, 5; Th. i. 180, 14. He was now bound to produce witnesses of the transaction which resulted in his acquiring the property in dispute, or teám was denied him: Búton hé ðara óðer (certain witness) hæbbe, nele him mon nǽnne teám geþafian, L. Edg. H. 4; Th. i. 260, 2. Ne beó ǽnig man ǽniges teámes wyrðe búton hé getrýwe gewitnysse hæbbe, L. C. S. 23; Th. i. 388, 20. Ne beó ðǽr nán teám, 24; Th. i. 390, 6. If the witness was forthcoming, the geteáma had to be produced, and witness or oath again was called for to prove that the defendant's proceedings were correct: Wé cwǽdon, se ðe týman scolde, ðæt hé hæfde ungeligene gewitnesse ðæs ðæt hé hit on riht týmde, oþþe ðone áð funde ðe se gelýfan mihte ðe on sprece, L. Ed. 1; Th. i. 158, 16. If the geteáma, though living, were not brought, according to one regulation the defendant lost his case, and had to resign the property, L. H. E. 7; Th. i. 30, 9; according to another, if he could bring witness to prove the sale, he received the price of the property he had to give up, 16; Th. i. 34, 8. If the geteáma were dead other formalities were prescribed, L. In. 53; Th. i. 134, 17: L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 9. If all the requirements had been satisfied the property in question was handed over to the geteáma: Se ðe yrfe bycge on gewitnesse, and hit eft týman scyle, ðonne onfó se his ðe hé hit ǽr æt bohte, L. Ath. i. 24; Th. i. 212, 12. Swá ic hit týme swá hit mé se sealde ðe ic hit nú on hand sette, L. O. 3; Th. i. 180, 3: L. Eth. ii. 8; Th. i. 288, 20; and the defendant thereupon appealed to the geteáma to corroborate his statement of the case, 21. If the latter accepted the property, the former was cleared, and the geteáma himself was now in a similar position to that in which the defendant had stood, 22; but if he declined to receive it, and declared that it was not the property he had sold, then the defendant had to prove that it was: Gif se mon (the geteáma) onfón ne wille, and sægþ ðæt hé him nǽfre ðæt (the property) ne sealde, ac sealde óðer, ðonne mót se gecýðan, se ðe hit tiémþ, ðæt hé him nán óðer ne sealde búton ðæt ilce, L. In. 75; Th. i. 150, 7: cf. 35; Th. i. 124, 10. If however the case were not stopped, the process, in earlier times, was repeated until either there was a failure to produce a geteáma (v. teámbyrst), or the property was traced to some person whose right to its possession was undoubted: Gange se teám forð óþþæt man wire hwǽr hé óðstande, L. Ed. 1; Th. i. 158, 15: L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 3. Betweox teáme gif hwá tó féhþ, and ná furðor teám ne cenþ, ac ágnian wile, ne mæg mon ðæs wyrnan, gif getrýwe gewitnes him tó ágenunge rýmþ, 290, 18. Later teám was necessary only three times: Týme hit man þrywa, æt ðam feórðan cyrre ágnige hit, oððe ágyfe ðam ðe hit áge, L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 9. At one time also a change was made in the place where teám should be made: Be teámum. Hwílon stód ðæt man sceolde þrywa týman ðǽr hit ǽrest befangen wǽre, and syþþan fylgean teáme swá hwǽr swá man tó cende. Ðá gerǽddan witan, ðæt hit betere wǽre, ðæt man ǽure týmde ðǽr hit ǽrest befangen wǽre ... ðý læs ðe mon unmihtigne man tó feor and tó lange for his ágenan swencte, L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 288, 28. A case in which a defendant is cleared by his geteáma, who, however, cannot get himself cleared, is given Chart. Th. 206, 19 sqq. A woman had been stolen, and was found in the possession of one Wulfstan. Ðá týmde Wulfstán hine (the woman) tó Æðelstáne; ðá cende hé tém and lét ðone forberstan. v. teám-byrst. Another case is mentioned where a bishop was not allowed teám: Ne móste se bisceop beón ðara þreora nánes wyrðe ðe eallum leódscipe geseald wæs on wedde, tale, ne teámes, ne áhnunga, 266, 11. (2) The word also occurs often in charters along with sac, sóc, toll, etc., where according to one definition it refers to the right to the forfeitures which were made in the suits where teám was resorted to: Theam, quod si aliquis aliquid interciebatur super aliquem, et ipse non poterat warrantum suum habere, erit forisfactura, et justicia sinuliter de calumpniatore, si deficiebat, sua erit, L. Ed. C. 22; Th. i. 452, 1. Donavi abbati ... consnetudinem que dicitur teames, Chart. Th. 405, 1. v. teám-byrst. A different meaning is given elsewhere to the word. In Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 202, 7 teám occurs, and in the Latin form of the charter is rendered by 'privilegium habendi totam suorum seruorum propaginem,' 203, 6. [O. Frs. tám a bridle; a line of descendants, progeny, family: O. L. Ger. tóm frenum: Du. toom: O. H. Ger. zoum funis, habena; Icel. taumr bridle, rein, cord.] v. bearn-, frum- (v. II above), here-, leger-teám; tíman. team