
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - temesian

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


to sift :-- Hláfo foregegearwad l temised panes propositionis (cf. Tosser's Husbandry, 39, 10: 'Some mixeth the tie with the wheat Temmes lofe on his table to haue for to eate.' In such a loaf the coarse bran only is removed. Temse-bread is given in Ray's South and East-Country Words, E. D. S. Pub. B. 16), Mk. Skt. Lind. 2, 26. [Temzyn wythe a tymze, temsyn with a tenze attamino, setario. To tempse or syfte taratantariso, Prompt. Parv. 488. Cf. temsing-chamber, the sifting-room, Halliwell. O. Du. temsen to sift.] v. ge-temesed, and preceding word. temesian

Parole correlate: Glossary.
